

Toronto, Ontario

Resident Alien

It's a goofy, light-hearted show with a lukewarm plot. But the characters and the humor make it worth it.

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A misfit with magical powers is sent to a school for misfits with magical powers? Uh... Harry Potter, anyone? Overdone and boring. And the Addams Family works best when they're juxtaposed with normal people. By sending Wednesday to a school of outcasts and weirdos, that's all gone.

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Late Night with the Devil

I knew I had to watch this when I saw it was by the producers of Barbarian, and I wasn't disappointed. It's not a "scary" horror film, but it did keep me on the edge of my seat. It plays to classic horror tropes, and gives me a classic Twilight Zone vibe. If you've seen a lot of classic horror then you can probably guess where it's headed part way into the film, but despite it being somewhat predictable I didn't find it any less entertaining.

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Dune: Part Two

An incredible film which is easily 10x better if you've read the books and understand the deeper lore.

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Silo: Season 1

The first two episodes were amazing. The last episode was great. The rest were fairly middling. It went from being a sci-fi set in a fascinating and dark world, to a crime procedural, to a "cat and mouse" game between Judicial and the Sheriff, back to being a sci-fi. I hope season 2 gives us more sci-fi and world building.

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Black Bird

Shout by robotsrebellion
BlockedParent2023-06-24T11:55:22Z— updated 2023-06-25T11:59:21Z

Fairly middling in my opinion. First episode was Jimmy being an insufferable one-dimensional alpha male type. Last episode was rushed and had characters making out-of-character decisions. Scenes with the murdered girls were trying way too hard to make me feel something about them, and were entirely unnecessary. Middle episodes with Jimmy and Larry were good, I just wish there were more like those.

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Outer Range: 1x02 The Land

what a great ending to this episode. I'm hooked.

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Star Wars: Andor

In contrast to the Star Wars tradition, Andor has somewhat complex political intrigue and characters, minimal gun gunfights, no light sabers. It shares Star Wars DNA in the setting, the conflicts, and the (exquisitely rendered) environments. If you go into this expecting Star Wars, be prepared to be disappointed or pleasantly surprised. In my opinion, it's better than most shows and movies in the Star Wars universe. But even still, outside of this Star Wars frame of reference, I'm not sure if I'd call it a "great" show.

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Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities: 1x07 The Viewing

Season 1 was a mixed bag. The first 4 episodes were great, the rest were not nearly as compelling.

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Foundation: Season 2

High production value, but the writing was awful. It goes from a complete mess at the start, to middling and predictable, to "quick, invent a bunch of plot twists to conveniently wrap everything up". For a scifi, way too much was about magic powers, and it felt like they were inventing new rules every episode. Don't waste your time.

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Foundation: 2x01 In Seldon's Shadow

That was a confusing mess. Also the central "Hari is trapped in a hypercube" plot was terribly written and acted.

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The Boys: 3x01 Payback

Where's the hook? For a season premiere, this episode didn't really excite or intrigue me. (setting aside the few gore scenes, which I was indifferent about)

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Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake

A "reboot" with the same caliber of magic, weirdness, and storytelling as the original.

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Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

As someone who's read many of Douglas Adams' books, I can't really recommend this. I thought the first episode was quite good, and had a lot of funny moments that reminded me of Adams' own writing, but as the first season goes on there are fewer and fewer funny moments, and more and more boilerplate TV moments. The plot is extremely convoluted, and not in a good way.

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For All Mankind: Season 4

Were we supposed to be on the side of "Mars colonization at whatever cost"? I couldn't get behind that, and so the central conflict of the show was not very engaging. I think the benefits of getting the asteroid to orbit Earth far outweighed getting it to orbit Mars. So I couldn't get behind the Ghost Ops crew/mission. Were we supposed to be cheering them on? It really seemed like we were.

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Although the last episode was only "okay", the rest of the series was excellent. The comparison with Black Mirror is deserved. The main difference being that this series encircles the single overarching threat of climate change. I thought the storytelling, production value, and exploration of future technology and society were all fantastic.

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Alice in Borderland

Watched the first episode and didn't find anything redeeming about it. I found the dialogue, the acting, the pacing, and the execution of an otherwise interesting premise to be all quite bad. I wanted to like it. I was hoping it would take me by surprise like Squid Game, but it was nowhere near that experience.

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The Lazarus Project: 1x01 Episode 1

Started strong in the first 15 minutes, but I lost all interest when they suddenly introduced a character who explained everything via lengthy exposition, in what amounts to "you're a mutant, we're the time police, join us!". I can tell this show is not for me.

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The Changeling

I bounced off this. I thought the writing was pretty awful in episode 1 and didn't watch beyond that. Maybe I'm just not the audience.

It starts with a tale of two courtships. Two women are harassed until they eventually given in. Why? No reason. The narrator says: '"Some may call that stalking," says narrator LaValle. "Apollo called it persistence."' The two stories are connected by familial line, suggesting a common cause of the "stalking". What was the point of this? Anyway, I thought that was pretty dumb and decided this wasn't worth my time.

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Gerald's Game

After the setup it doesn't have a whole lot else to offer.

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Talk to Me

I went into this with high expectations based on the press popping up in my feeds. It didn't live up to the hype, but it was also enjoyable -- if predictable. The main character was well developed and much of the film was about her: her trauma and social struggles.

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The Owl House: 3x01 Thanks to Them

The pacing this season is frantic.

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Mare of Easttown: 1x02 Fathers

Some of the interpersonal conflicts established in the last episode are starting to play out. And that ending! The tragedy adds another layer.

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Mare of Easttown: 1x01 Miss Lady Hawk Herself

What a great first episode. The world feels so "lived in", the character interactions so real and down to earth, and they've already established a lot of interesting relationships and conflicts.

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It was quite a ride. If you enjoy horror films and making sense of symbolism and allegory, give this a watch. Be wary of spoilers in reviews.

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The Room

yep it's a bad film

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The Strain: 1x01 Night Zero

terrible writing; cookie cutter characters

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The Mist: 1x01 Pilot

I would describe some of the writing and characters as "ham fisted".

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Adventure Time: 5x09 All Your Fault

one of the darkest, creepiest episodes so far. love it

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The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse

The dialogue was unnatural. It was just a series of platitudes and affirmations aimed at young children. I guess if you're a young child or a parent this short film might be good entertainment but I found it laughably bad.

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