

North East England

Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom

It's amazing that they shelved Batgirl yet this was apparently ok to release. The most generic modern superhero film yet. I'd rather watch Batman and Robin.

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History's Greatest Mysteries: 4x13 The Search for Noah's Ark

May as well do an episode trying to locate Tony the Tiger

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Boiling Point: 1x02 Episode 2

Think that lad needs a nice job in a quiet charity shop

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It Could Happen to You

I can't understand a single thing Rosie Perez says; this must be what it's like as an American trying to watch a Scottish film?!

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The Devil's Own

If this was made in 2023 I'd say it was written by AI due to the sheer amount of clichés and stereotypes depicted.

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The Protector

Chan may have not like the more adult US version however no one had made Jackie look cooler than Glickenhaus here.

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Lock Up

Would you believe that they started filming this without a complete script? Because it doesn't half show. It's like all seasons of Oz in 100 minutes and everything happens to the same guy.

Throw every prison trope at the wall and see what sticks.

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Peggy Sue Got Married

A time travel movie with Jim Carrey and Nicolas Cage in supporting roles? Not sure how I've got to 2023 without seeing this one but there you go.

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Rumble Fish

I've only watched this because of my mission to watch every single movie Nicolas Cage appears in; sometimes it's thrown up hidden gems and sometimes - in the case of this thing - it does not.

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Barely enough material to qualify as a motion picture - what is left on screen is not engaging enough to make anyone care. This is the first Emmett production I have seen that feels like every single person involved feels like they are turning up for paycheck and IMDb credit. It's like Friday afternoon in the office and everyone is watching the clock to head home.

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Mortimer & Whitehouse: Gone Fishing: 6x05 Wrasse: Burgh Island, South Devon

I get that they have a series quota but if they couldn't have Bob then they should have just skipped this one. Pointless

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The Defender

Obviously made on a shoestring budget, there's some nice physical effects and some attempts to make angles and camerawork more interesting to watch. However can't disguise limited plot and location presumably because of the el cheapo budget.

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Quatermass and the Pit

It's good but not dated particularly well in terms of it takes a hell of along time to get where its going.

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Zombi VIII: Urban Decay

Excellent synth soundtrack; way too good for this "movie"

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Dead Trigger

Low budget zombie movies can be good, a zombie movie starring Dolph Lundgren should be good! This is anything but.

There's a load of IMDB trivia which suggests that Mike Cuff originated it and walked after last minute changes to his script however I can't substantiate that elsewhere other than a news article that says Cuff was fired after two days. Either way the outcome isn't pretty - the various posters do a good job of making this thing look better than it actually is.

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Fun to see Adkins and Oldman side by side but the actual movie is a snooze fest

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The Creator

I'm half tempted to give this full marks just for daring to play Radiohead's Everything in Its Right Place during your typical military in dropship scene. Anyway my boy Gareth knocked out another cracking piece of scifi. You really don't mind when a director takes a few years off and comes back with something like this. There's certainly a fair amount of Rogue One, Blade Runner and Terminator in the mix, the latter of which he takes the Judgement Day plot and turns it on its head defying expectations where I assumed it was going just due to the tropes of the genre.

There's also a lot of stuff on screen for 80mill in comparison to other recent effects heavy films. Gets you wondering if budgets elsewhere escalate to $200 mill mark due to talent demands or that something like this has less behind the scenes VFX artists but take longer to bake? I dunno. Either way, check it out. The trailer gives too much away (as always my opinion) however there's plenty more that isn't shown.

NB. Watch out for the Scarif Easter egg

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B. Monkey

Public Service warning for any non-English folk visiting don't expect to get three pints for £6. You'll be lucky to get one for that price.

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The Expendables 3

Where to start with this one? The baby expendables, the toned down violence (released as a 12a in the UK! - that's the equivalent of a Spider-Man movie), sidelining the cast we actually want to see, overload of mediocre digital effects, I have no idea what they were thinking of with Frasier Crane; there's still plenty of action stars they could have used.

What's left of the good cast cannot absolutely recover this one and Mel Gibson really does great job chewing the scenery.

Not awful but not awfully good either.

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Blue Beetle

Susan Sarandon officially takes the "worst performance in a superhero movie" from Mickey Rourke

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Love, Antosha

The film industry was robbed of a true talent. Anton would have absolutely have become top tier with one of those filmographies that's studied.

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It's Inconceivable that Nicolas Cage accepted this pay cheque.

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The Pet

I stumbled upon this looking for the Dominic Monaghan film called Pet (2016) and ended up finding 2006's best comedy. I half expected Tommy Wiseau to show up.. "Oh hi GG"

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Requiem for a Dream

I hated pretty much everything about this other than the use of split screen. It's like they gave a film student $4 million for their first project who or course focused on flashy visuals over characters. This was made four years after Trainspotting FFS.

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Movie Hoarders: From VHS to DVD and Beyond!

This is barely a documentary, its a load of the same few points over and over again by different talking heads.

"hoard physical media as streaming might go away, physical media has extra features, no buffering" essentially for two hours

And I dont care what anyone says I was a VHS kid and that format is horrible, awful PQ which degrades every time you watch it.

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Life After Flash

I enjoyed the making of Flash segments. Couldn't care any less about Sam "the ego" Jones. Brian Blessed steaks the show; could listen to his tales for hours I am sure.

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Not an original thought on the screen. Willis may be on the poster but Ambyr Childers is the main character but she's just not a leading lady so fails spectacularly to carry the movie, which is just Westworld on a low budget.

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The Specialist

For a 1990s action flick this intensely boring. Zzzzz

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Snake Eyes: G.I. Joe Origins

Iko is on the poster but is essentially an extended cameo. Guess he's too hot for Hollywood to handle.

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Ahsoka: 1x05 Part Five: Shadow Warrior

I don't understand why they'd do young Ahsoka and not have Ashley Eckstein as the voice. Even this version doesn't match the plucky Clone Wars version. Whole thing still feels like a fan film still to me. Love Filoni but this series been so underwhelming for me.

Massive Star Wars fan but honestly end up looking forward to the credits so I can put something else on.

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