

Omicron Persei 8

Creepshow: 3x06 Drug Traffic / A Dead Girl Named Sue

For them to make a Creepshow episode about the ap/krasue flying head creature from South East Asian folklore and starring Michael Rooker is astounding, and personally probably the most memorable for me of season three. Glad to see an anthology series going the distance to cover such an obscure topic that's only been done in a few films. :ok_hand:

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Stranger Things: 4x09 Chapter Nine: The Piggyback

That was a BOMB season finale! :boom::pizza:
Also, for the record, I am a pro pineapple pizza person! I've had all kinds of pizza, including Hawaiian style (ham and pineapple), for as long I've eaten pizza!

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Stranger Things: 4x07 Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab

WOW after episode 4 and onwards to episode 7, my heart and mind are blown.. best season so far I think, definitely rivals season three! :exploding_head: Some of my favorite 80s hit songs made it in this season, Tarzan Boy, OMG @ Robert Englund, also Lite Brite was genius! :upside_down:

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

They musta saved the best one for last. The motion capture is insane! :exploding_head:
Very unique look and display of dance and performing arts :ok_hand:

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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles: 1x05 Common Sensei

About halfway through season one now, and I like where the story is headed. Also, Spot, Usagi's dino companion, is a regular in this, and I love it! :sauropod:

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Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles: 1x01 The Big City

Finally, after so many years, it's so good to see Usagi getting its own animated series! I paired up half of season one to go along with another Netflix film released this week called Bubble, and coincidentaly both have an Usagi character hah :rabbit:

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All of Us Are Dead: 1x12 Episode 12

A lot packed into one season, has its ups and downs, but the first half is most exciting for me, while second half is lots more of the drama, very The Walking Dead, #Alive and Kingdom (also on Netflix), though I'm satisfied with how this ended. :zombie:

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Archive 81: 1x04 Spirit Receivers

dang this some good shit, halfway through and lovin' it so far! :vhs: saving the other half for next Sunday spooks :ghost:

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Arcane: 1x03 The Base Violence Necessary for Change

Man, all these rooftop scenes remind me of escaping City 17 in Half-Life 2. I'm liking this so far, very nice animation style similar to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse and Love, Death & Robots. Heimerdingle's voice is how I'd imagine he'd sound like! Looking forward to more episodes next week ⚙:gem::boom:

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He-Man and the Masters of the Universe: 1x05 We Have the Power

I'm super glad they're working up the "We have the power" motto now with these current Masters shows.
haha Kronis' reaction to Skeletor's... bones ☠:sweat_smile:

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Sweet Home: 1x07 Episode 7

The origin of the manhwa/show's title is within this episode.
Ji-su plays her guitar, and I really like the chords because they sound similar to a song I just uploaded to Twitch Sings before it shuts down ("My Only Love" from Sailor Moon). Even humming the verse melody matches the chords, just in a higher key. :guitar:

Anyway, this is where it gets more survival-y and The Walking Dead-like.

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Bob's Burgers: 11x07 Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid

I loaf this Thanksgiving episode! The Breadator bit was the butter one of stories :croissant::wink:

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The Simpsons: 32x07 Three Dreams Denied

Whatever show that Bart took part in voicing the princess character in, I want a crossover of that and Disenchantment :fireworks: :unicorn:

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Lovecraft Country: 1x10 Full Circle

This show had gone in so many different directions, but it paid off in the end. It's quite the ride; definitely worth the watch for this spooky season. :fire::octopus::fire:

Life could be a dream, sweetheart~ :notes:

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The Haunting of Bly Manor: 1x01 The Great Good Place

I saw this first episode of Bly Manor last night before bed, overall good, there seemed to be a lot more of those hidden ghosts in the background than there were in three episodes of season one's haha :busts_in_silhouette: so they probably did that on purpose.. premise is okay so far, and I see where it's headed, acting is on point - dreamy look to it :thought_balloon: Victoria Pedretti looks a lot prettier this time around :heart_eyes:

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Lovecraft Country: 1x04 A History of Violence

This show just keeps getting weirder and weirder, but I still dig it. The characters head to Boston in this one (yay! :tada:), and it becomes a Journey to the Center of the Earth or National Treasure sort of ordeal. There was a colored child in the library earlier (either this episode or previous episode) that was seen reading Journey to the Center of the Earth too. It's referenced again when the characters go down under. Enjoyable!

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Lovecraft Country: 1x03 Holy Ghost

Coincidentally, I was just watching Girl On The Third Floor yesterday before watching this Holy Ghost episode. They both have a similar premise of a haunted house with a dark history. Both are not bad, but also not great, still decent watches though.

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Lovecraft Country: 1x01 Sundown

I've been waiting for this show since the teaser dropped in May, and this first episode of Lovecraft Country is great! They got the sci-fi horror action moment out of the way in that opening dream sequence; an excellent one at that. Then we learn the struggle that these characters face and ramps up to the forest/cabin scene that reminded me of The Night of the Living Dead. I agree that some of the modern hip hop beats sort of take me out of the time period that this story is set in, but I understand the tone they're trying to go for. I may be a bit biased since all this takes place in my state of Massachusetts, but man give me some good spooks, Lovecraftian monsters, and I'm totally there. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x07 Öga for Öga

I'm so glad I'm taking my time watching this season of The Umbrella Academy. Klaus just reminded me to check turnips in Animal Crossing. Today happens to be Sunday which is turnips day! Thank you, Klaus! The universe is aligning. :pray:

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The Simpsons: 31x15 Screenless

With Connected (2020) on the way from Sony Animation this September, it's interesting to see a Simpsons take on the "no phones/tablets" subject in this Screenless episode :no_mobile_phones:

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Locke & Key: 1x05 Family Tree

Hah I'm midway through Locke & Key season one and the address for the house is 4020 Lowell Drive, which I'm sure there's a street like that around me IRL (takes place in Massachusetts), not sure about the number but it's close to a "420" :sweat_smile:
I kinda feel bad for the Eden character. She's been one that I'm looking forward to seeing more of each episode. I hope to see more development with her going from being a mean girl to being a part of the group again.. also, she hot :heart_eyes:

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Locke & Key: 1x02 Trapper / Keeper

Now we get to see some of the keys in action, and it's pretty cool how the special effects are done. As I had guessed, the Bode kid is plain gullible, but it had to happen for the story to proceed. The school dean was apparently supposed to be played by Danny Glover, but is now Steven Williams who I know previously as Mr. X from The X-Files as well as It (Chapter One). So that makes two actors from It. I was also surprised to see yet another familiar face, legendary special effects master, Tom Savini, as the locksmith at the hardware store. Even though I don't think he would play much of a role in this show, it's still really neat to see him show up.
The blood splattering scene gave one of the characters a sort of Carrie look. I'm digging the vibe of the show so far, and looking forward to seeing more magical and spooky stuff later on. I also like the episode title Trapper Keeper which is a reference to the brand of school accessories, namely the binder, I used to get when I was in elementary in the early 90s. :books:

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The Owl House: 1x01 A Lying Witch and a Warden

The Owl House is pretty alright so far; definitely some Star vs The Forces of Evil vibes especially the closing credits. This first episode hasn't hooked me yet, but I'm willing to see what else its got.. The witch reminds me of Ryoko (of Tenchi Muyo series), even has the yellow eyes.. also "Burger Queen" (Burger King reference) :crown:

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 3x04 Beauty and the Beasts

"You can't stay lost.. Sooner or later, you have to get back to yourself. Love becomes your master, and you're just its dog"

Catching a random episode streaming right now while the episode title caught my eye (I like anything "Beauty and the Beast" related/inspired), and really like that quote above. I'll likely be coming back to marathon the entire Buffy the Vampire Slayer at a later date.

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Zomboat!: 1x01 Episode 1

Come with me if you want to live

Oh hey, a Terminator reference!
A simple premise so far; takes place in Birmingham which made me think of the Dead Set (2008) mini-series, except the survivors are sailing on a boat! Interesting enough? I think so.
I'm curious what video game that was shown. It looked a lot like Zombi (aka ZombiU) but I wasn't sure since it had a minimal HUD design. It could possibly be a made-up game just for the show.
I'd like to see where this story goes before I check out the other zombie Christmas one that was just added to Hulu, Anna and the Apocalypse (2017).

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The Simpsons: 31x05 Gorillas on the Mast

Man, this is like a mishmash of Free Willy and Born To Be Wild haha, and Seinfeld saves the day again! #TheSimpsons :whale2::motorboat::gorilla:

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Castle Rock: 2x01 Let the River Run

We have a good Annie Wilkes here. Her daughter, Joy, is reminding me that I need to stop slacking and do my Inktober drawings, hah. :pen_ballpoint: I'm pretty glad that there's a character like Joy for the Misery story this season. With the dark, there needs to be a bright side to balance it out.
Only one episode in, there's already some visual references to Salem's Lot and Shawshank Redemption and of course the show's title, Castle Rock. The hospital scenes were actually filmed in a town away from where I'm located IRL too.
I'm already making predictions now, and I hope that Joy survives this story and somehow escapes her mother by the end of the season. I'm not yet convinced that she's her biological mother either which would add to reasons to why Joy should run. We'll see how it goes. :thinking:

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The Simpsons: 31x04 Treehouse of Horror XXX

I like the takes on Stranger Things and The Shape of Water for this year's Treehouse of Horror XXX; quite fitting to do The Omen with this being the 666th episode too. Though I think "Danger Things" should be done episodically based on each season of Stranger Things

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Light as a Feather: 2x16 …Brave As a Lion

I'm really glad that McKenna wound up back with Trey now. They're so cute together. :two_hearts:
I should've commented about the Jennie sooner, but it was quite strange that they showed flashbacks of Jennie so late in the show that I totally blanked out on Jennie and only vaguely remember her existence like a Mandella Effect or something.
Overall, an okay show in the typical CW style complete with cuties and mediocre acting hah. If they do make a season three, it's gonna be tough sale for me to get back on board this show. I mostly enjoyed seeing the actresses for McKenna/Jennie (Liana Liberato) because she reminds me of someone I really like, and Violet (Haley Ramm). I hope to see more of them in future films/projects. I could see Haley Ramm playing a young Jodie Foster in a prequel to The Silent of the Lambs.

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Light as a Feather: 2x04 ...Sick as a Dog

Good to see new relationships with what's happening with Alex. It also happens to be International Lesbian Day today too!
As for old relationships, dang it Trey, why! I feel so sorry for McKenna :broken_heart:
In a situation like that, I would've waited until she was comfortable telling me or until I discover the problem myself. Perhaps she's not being open and honest because she wants to protect him, but they've all been through this before which is the puzzling part. Oh well, that's teen drama for ya.

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