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Upside down

The Matrix Resurrections

Shout by rrogvee
BlockedParent2021-04-18T07:49:52Z— updated 2021-12-29T07:16:44Z

Watched the first three Matrix films growing up. It was one of the first non-family films I've watched. Kudos to my Dad for introducing me to this film trilogy ^_^

Hopefully, this new film would have a great storyline and development.

Edit: I'm surprised to say my mum was more stoked to watch this more than my Dad and myself (big fans of the Og film trilogy).
The visual effects and soundtrack were decent however, the story fell flat. I believe the film relied too much on flashbacks and nostalgia. Which was at least 60% of the film. I did appreciate the parallel fight scenes along with camera angles.

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The King's Man

Been looking forward to this one since before the pandemic hit which is insane.

Brilliant action and camera shots especially with the final duel. There were a few twists that almost shocked me, but I quickly remembered the director, Vaughn's choices in his previous kingsman films. Therefore, it made sense as to why the film concluded the way it did in the end.

Overall, it was a decent origin film with its thrilling moments.

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Film in a nutshell: You should go and love fuck yourself.

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Ride or Die
Good Boys

Haven't lmfao in ages! So many wtf moments, but a nice binge!

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

Just came out of the IMAX cinema. It's a film that brings the fans together.
The duration felt short but that's because I was so engaged to the film from the characters to the action scenes. I was actually trying to hold back from the emotional scenes.

Definitely watching this again and hopefully with my friends and family (Watched this on my own to avoid early spoilers :v:)

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Zack Snyder's Justice League

The duration made me hesitant, but I just had to check this film out.

It took me 3 days to finish cause of my work schedule, but I don't regret a second viewing it.

Obviously, there was more character build-up with the film duration, and the film took its time exploring each character's side of the story. I would have to say; some long scenes could have been shortened, such as the team discussion scenes.

I may not be a crazy DC fan; however, I did also think to myself, "why weren't some of these scenes in the theatrical version" or "This literally has a similar duration to LOTR so that it could have been possible".

I find it unfortunate that it's only available on HBO Max or NEON for me here in NZ. If this came out on DVD, I would have definitely convinced my family to see this.

Overall, better team build-up, character exploration and raw emotion. The first difference I've noticed between JL theatrical version and Synder's cut was Steppenwolf's CGI. I definitely preferred Synder's cut. In comparison, Snyder's colour palette was a bit dim at times.

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Threads - Our Tapestry of Love

This was a rollercoaster of a ride!

This film had a similar tone to Kimi No Na Wa minus the spiritual element. The film's pacing started real fast but gradually became consistent and took its time building and developing the characters.

I loved the film for exploring each characters life journeys. It did not hesitate to show realistic obstacles of children and adults within society. The raw emotions and music played a huge role in bringing a strong, lasting impact on the story. I also appreciated when the film gives a clear backstory and glimpses between the characters.

The chemistry was clearly present between both Komatsu and Suda's performance. The supporting cast nailed their roles and left some strong, lasting moments.

I was surprised the casting director managed to find a child actress resembling Komatsu-san (or it could be make-up).

The story could be rather depressing because it takes an authentic approach and long duration, which affected my rewatch value. Despite that, I still found the film to be quite inspiring and informative.

If you are interested in a film which explores the themes of self-discovery and gradual slow romantic build-up, then I would recommend this film.

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Along with the Gods: The Last 49 Days

This second film picks up immediately from the previous film. I appreciated the film for having a consistent pacing, along with how the story explored the mystery behind the three main trios' pasts. Most of the plot twists were predictable, but overall it was an alright binge.

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Space Sweepers

My first impression summarised: Korean Guardians of the galaxy

The acting, production quality and CGI was top-notch. However, the story lacked a sense of depth, especially with the antagonists motive. It felt very surface level. Other than that it was a fun and thrilling binge.

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The End of the Tiny World

Great performance from the cast. Consistent pacing and build-up from past to present. Felt bad for Kido (of course the others too). I legit forgot this was a revenge film, so despite how I saw the twist coming it was still pretty good.

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The Night Beyond the Tricornered Window

Brilliant! Loved the costume designs and Emma Stone come through! I know who I might add to my cosplay list ^_^

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Decent binge for a sleepless night.

The sexual tension was killing me, and both leads were chefs kiss!
Tilda Swinton with a suit and wings, very niice! (Extra heart added)

I was a bit disappointed Shia Labeouf was underused in this film.

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That bloody bat giving me a jumpscare from the beginning to end lmfao.

Loved the world-building and gore take on the story concept!

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Godzilla vs. Kong

Decent CGI and colouring
The human character arc was lacking.

I watched for Oguri Shun as well, but a bit let down due to his short screen presence.

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The action choreography was decent, but the story didn't quite keep me interested.

Diana Silvers was underused in this film. If there's a sequel, I would love to see more of her character.

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Very chill and slow-paced film.
The music was very symbolic especially Noah's songs

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A bit depressing, but the message of family and acceptance was brilliant.

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