The Founder

It's a awesome sad true story movie, the movie deserves credit for not making all sunshine and rose's, he was a horrible person, that shouldn't have the luck he had, yet he did. Yes he risked everything he had. But he should have honoured the McDonald's brother's.

Great sad movie nonetheless

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First Man

The pacing of the movie makes it a challenge to watch..

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There's just one very big problem with the plot of this movie if the solution for the spectral problem was as simple as unplug the machine, why then once they have discovered the source they didn't picked up a sat phone, called for a airstrike to drop 4/5 M.O.A.B on that building or a nuke all would be destroyed there would be no more machine and the spectral problem would be gone and they would not have wasted so many life's fighting an unnecessary last battle.

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Robin Hood

It's not the greatest movie to choose from, it's not even the best Robin Hood movie and yes it's not the most original movie and looks like it drank from a lot of fountains for inspiration, but if you forget everything else and try to ignore the almost perfect clothes they are wearing like it's some kind of mediaeval recreation thing, you can get the good actions pieces, the good lord about the power of action, more then the strength of the word and how some can inspire many, but you need to dig deep to extract that and ignore something's that does not make sense.

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Two slow some times, and unreal at the others like the head flying in the end, a professional hitman company with guards that can't shoot, and fight, horrible villain. And then there's a movie called John Wick that's much better and that this one tried too hard to not copy but be even had a dog that died.. in the end it's saved by some of the action sequences.

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The Matrix Resurrections

Can't score it lower because I want to say good job to the VFX team but the rest is shit..

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The Irishman

It's too damm long, a and it drags it's feet all over the place, like the old Frank. Also wtf is those slow motions scenes with car wash and shit like that. Should be a 2h movie not a almost 4h just because, there was nothing there to justify this length.. some good moments but not good movie overall. And after all that you get that ending. One of the most pointless movie's for me..

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The Predator

horrible, they made a joke out of the predator movie's.

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