

Omicron Persei 8


we love this show its really addictive

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@lilaa2020 it's been cancelled:weary:4 seasons

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The Terminal List

Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-07-12T15:42:09Z— updated 2022-08-02T21:12:46Z

A horrible piece of military propaganda primarily aimed at the type of ‘real’ men who like to consume too much beer and hang around in their own garage while listening to Alter Bridge.
It’s dumb, derivative, dull and devoid of interesting ideas or characters. You’re not going to find any fun here, everything is trying really hard to be dour and dramatic, but the writing is so generic and boring that it doesn’t work.
Chris Pratt's charisma is stripped away and instead he's playing a generic, brooding character that could easily be portrayed by any actor.
It just begs the question: why cast him in the first place? It requires little to no range, so why didn't they just cast a cheaper actor?
Any interesting cinematography is obscured by desaturated muddy grey tones, the color grading really makes the whole show looks like trash. It tries to be cinematic, but it ends up looking all the more cheaper for it.
I don’t get why people watch this, is it because of the patriotic undertones? Watch Top Gun Maverick. Is it because it’s a little more violent than most movies and shows? Watch Daredevil, the execution of the action is way better and it’s got plenty of Christianity as a bonus.


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@jordyep the bok writer Jack Carr was on Glenn Beck show last week said he gave the book & script for Pratt to look at and in like a week he contacted Carr saying he wanted to produce it into a movie or series

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Sanctuary: A Witch's Tale: 1x01 Episode 1

Emotionally charged, but not so sure about the witchcraft depiction.

I miss, "Motherland," and, "A Discovery of Witches." Some day I should read a book, hahaha.

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And Salem that was good also@vwfringe

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