

Lincoln, NE

The To Do List

Clark Gregg steals every scene he's in. In a cast full of comedians, he's the brightest of them all.

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As I was watching, I couldn't help but wish that they had used this movie as a springboard to launch that failed Universal Monsters-verse that they tried with the Tom Cruise Mummy movie. Renfield would be a great character to focus on as he recruits a League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen group to fight all the big bads out there. Make all the movies dark humor and over-the-top violence like this one. It would be so much fun if they hadn't marketed it as the beginning of a monster-verse, and just marketed it for what it is... it would have been awesome if the movie wrapped up with Dracula beginning a world domination quest and the bad guys win, fade to black. Then tack on a mid-credits scene with Renfield meeting with somebody and asking for help to find people who can help him.

Additionally, I'd really love a campy fun prequel to this movie totally in black and white with Nicolas Cage, like the intro. Fun movie!

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Spent too much time doing other things, but seemed good! I need to watch it again

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It was actually decently interesting until the dreadful ending with nearly 15 minutes of unnecessary slo-mo shots killed its momentum.

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The cameos were the only good part of this movie.

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Timeline

I'd recommend moving Iron Man 2 ahead in the list and placing it directly after the first one. Tony Stark isn't really on board with the Avengers until the end of the Iron Man 2, so he wouldn't go talk to General Ross at the end of Hulk.

We're watching through them all now in your order, just wanted to give my two cents. Ideally, one could watch Incredible Hulk/Thor/Iron Man 2 in tandem because they all happen about the same time. Great list though, really glad you included the TV series to round it out.

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