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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

What a terrible episode, too dark to see anything, probably to hide the bad CGI, Arya oneshotting the big bad boss with her OP teleporting powers, music was obnoxiously repetitive at many parts, stupid battle tactics etc etc. the list of stupid things in this episode is endless.

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The Wine Tasting

This really subverted my expectations. What a masterpiece, just like The Last Jedi!

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The Walking Dead: 7x01 The Day Will Come When You Won't Be

Shout by Saltfish

Serious schlock with too high of a budget. Here we see a non-character bash in the brains of two other cardboard cutout characters and not much else. Episode mostly consist of Rick's endless stares into the abyss. Someone might consider that deep, but it really isn't, since we've seen it many times before already in earlier "shocking" episodes. I don't really understand how anyone can sincerely consider this show good at this point.

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Game of Thrones: 6x01 The Red Woman

Shout by Saltfish

This episode has it all, from small and forgivable mistakes such as randomly disappearing attack dogs to plot-breaking and totally unrealistic killing of characters who could have been interesting and worth keeping alive. It's clear now that the show's creators don't really understand the source material and they are now trying to improvise some fanfiction to hold their story together. They are trying too hard to add shock value by killing off characters who haven't really been developed enough for anybody to be shocked about their deaths. The episode's ending was also trying to go for shock value, but ended up quite random and unnecessary. Most actors and production values are still good as ever, but even those can't carry a flawed story.

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