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Mayfield, Pennsylvania

Flight 7500

Reply by SaltyCatFish

What even the fuck was that last scene about lmao. Why that woman alone? Was she dead or not? Why was it bright outside? One of the worst movies I've ever fucking seen.

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@adafeloz Gotta leave room for a sequel?

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One of the worst movies I’ve ever forced myself to sit through.

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@suicideken It wasn't that bad. Have you seen Open Graves?

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Too much social commentary, not enough horror (or suspense). Easily the least impressive Peele production.

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@chopssake Same.

In 'Get Out', the story was good so I didn't really care much about the commentary. 'Us' pushed it a bit further, but still enjoyable.

This is an opinionated commentary disguised as a reboot of a classic horror movie.

Candyman is framed as an anti-hero, but Peele has clearly stated in this film who he believes the villains are.

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this is definitely the most gorgeous horror film I’ve ever seen (ignoring the somewhat interesting cgi). like other have said, I think the plot and characters should have been fleshed out a bit more, just because the ending felt like being pulled in a lot of different directions at once.

this is the first of peele’s I’ve seen so far and I’ll just go with… pretty good!

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@sarahvss watch "Us". You're review is the same way I felt about "Us".

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You know, you could just watch 1408 instead.

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@bradym03 If you can find a copy with the original ending

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Liked the book when it came out and I'm sure at the time the film was to be made by Eli Roth, which would surely have been better than what we got? Really poor, I know Kings endings are often a bit crap but what they did with it here is just rubbish. Brilliant cast (although it's been awhile since Cusack was good) but they don't seem to care about anything, most seem to want their grisly deaths so they can cash the check and get out of there.

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@delsdog What was Cusack not good in? I always thought of him as a Wild Card for movies.

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Monsters of Man

Reply by SaltyCatFish

I was waiting for the robot to say "number 5 is alive"

The movie wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either. It was way too long at 2 hrs 11 minutes and really should have been 45 minutes shorter. There were lots of useless scenes meant to add drama, but only added to the cringe level. The acting wasn't bad for what the movie is... I think it's worth the watch if nothing else is around

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I was waiting for the robot to say "number 5 is alive"

Watching now on this comment alone.

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Reply by SaltyCatFish

The movie is not bad, for me it would have been great if it was someone else instead of Mark, the part is not suited for him ..beside i don't find him convincing in sci-fi.(transformers deja Vu)

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@tdassa "The Happening"... no, he certainly does not.

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The Woman in the Window

Just another flick about your neighborhood Karen - 5/10, would not watch again.

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@perishing Sums it up well.

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