Sam Wight


Omicron Persei 8

Madame Web
Infinity Pool

I don't know why this movie exists. Really annoying that the first half is so good and the last half is devoid of any good reason to watch it.

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Beau Is Afraid

I unironically LOVE this movie. It is DEFINITELY not going to be for everyone, but dear god did it manage to hook me. As someone with anxiety, it managed to capture it just about the best I've ever seen in a movie. This isn't what's literally going on inside an anxious person's head. Instead, it feels like Ari Aster is trying to make you feel like an anxious person would. It's a visual metaphor that produces a feeling that feels the same.

Idk anyway I fucking loved it. This is proof to me that you can make a movie that's confusing as fuck but still make it entertaining.

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I Saw the TV Glow

This is the Rabbit R1 of movies in the sense that it is barely reviewable because it fulfills almost none of the basic requirements you expect of a movie.

This movie says nothing. It is incoherent. Literal bottom of the barrel garbage that is decently-shot so stuffy film bros will call it "art". Half of the movie is just a Phoebe Bridgers music video and I'm not even kidding lol. Style over substance to the extreme.

It's like not even so bad it's good, it's just bad. Absolutely no redeeming qualities. Avoid.

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Civil War

Probably the dullest, most boring, underwhelming, and unimaginative pile of shit I've seen this year.

Effects are gorgeous. Guns are loud. There are bullet casings everywhere. Blood where you expect it to be.

Otherwise it feels like I went to an abandoned mall and stood in exactly one place and didn't move for two and a half hours. There are absolutely no other redeeming qualities for this movie other than shock value and gore.

There is no plot. Nothing happens. There are no characters. It's just these photojournalists driving along, some jumpscare happens, they stop and take pictures, and repeat.

California and fucking TEXAS for some reason are the states that seceded. You never learn why they do so. There's no details into what's going on. It's just stop, take pictures, and leave.

Do not waste your money on this.

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Boring. Well-made boring. Huge heaps of boring.

All of the intrigue and emotional depth of the book, any sense of care I felt about the characters, has been sucked out and replaced with absolutely gorgeous, but incredibly fucking boring, shots.

Somehow they managed to make the movie more boring than the book (which I read and really liked!). Super impressive.

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It's okay. Was not worth the payoff though unfortunately.

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Waiting for gender abolitionist Barbie

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Good Will Hunting

I really liked this actually. I usually don't like feel-good movies like this (The Shawshank Redemption is one of my lowest-rated movies of all time LOL), but this was just great. There was always something to keep me interested, and it felt relatable in some ways. Took a second for me to buy into Will Hunting's "I'm a smart frat bro" thing but overall very good.

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Mr. Robot: Season 3

Season 3 disappointed me a lot. Felt like it didn't have the same draw as season 2 and 1. Poorly done.

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V for Vendetta

What can I say? I love Wachowski movies. This was just impeccably made. I love it when action movies feel like that domino scene: where everything's set up just right, the pace is perfect, and it comes together amazingly well at the end. Sure the writing isn't perfect, but honestly I was too stunned to think about that.

Natalie Portman is stunning in this and absolutely killed it. She plays the part perfectly.

The film's depiction of fascism is terrifyingly accurate. Taking things the Nazis did (making an arbitrary symbol your flag, rounding up and murdering queer people, etc.) and putting it in Britain is brilliant. V's fight against them never got boring. The pace of the movie is relentless and there is never a misstep in it.

Anyways, if you like great action flics and love seeing fascists get murdered this is the movie for you :D

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The Dark Knight
The Shawshank Redemption
The Killer

It's fun. I didn't want to turn it off at any point during it. But there's really no depth to it. What you see is what you get. The story is flat and boring, Michael Fassbender doesn't do anything except for stare with a straight face the entire time. There's no emotion to it. And the ending was just completely unearned.

There's no point in the movie where the killer is interesting. There's no point in the movie where you feel anything for any of the characters involved, except for discomfort for witnessing this stuff. It feels like I'm watching someone else play Hitman 3 without any of the stakes, the intrigue, or the funny parts. It's just bland. Really expected more from David Fincher.


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Avatar: The Way of Water

If you're watching this to watch a movie, you're watching it for the wrong reasons. I saw this in Dolby Cinema and it was breathtaking. The story is very tropey, but I'm okay with tropes if I'm watching for the spectacle. Probably the only time I've seen 3D used well. If it ever comes out in Dolby Cinema again, watch it, I promise it's worth it.

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The Lobster

One of the most uncomfortable things I've ever watched? I wasn't waiting for it to end or anything, but I felt physically uncomfortable most of the time while watching it. Kinda challenging, but I liked what (I think?) it had to say. Feels like this could be about a lot of things, but a lot of it felt true to me as a neurodivergent person dating and stuff. I liked it.

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American Fiction
The Last of Us

Has the best opening in a show I've ever seen and then immediately ruins it by turning into boring, stereotypical post-apocalyptic trash that we've seen in every other show. I cannot stand post-apocalyptic survival bullshit. It's unimaginative. It's boring. It's been done 100x before. Unless you're going to do something like The Stand, it's bullshit. We had it in The Walking Dead and its 100 spinoffs. We've had it in every zombie survival show ever. Literally just do something else. Fuck.

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A Clockwork Orange

Boring, been done before, poorly-written. Couldn't make it through the first 30 minutes. If Kubrick is such a perfectionist he could've done the basic job of making a decently-directed movie that's not self-flagellating and actually has something meaningful to say. All I got was torture porn and the writing / world-building equivalent of a five-year-old's crayon drawing of a house.

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Leaving Neverland: 1x01 Part 1

One of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen. Important. But also disturbing.

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