Santos Chavez

3 Followers3 Following

Los Angeles, California

Project Power

A pretty enjoyable movie that leaves you wishing there was more time to explore the concepts much more to make them even more solid than they were. The concepts and the ideas pretty well executed, but it leaves you with a sense that there's more to the story than what we were told. Plus, they could have explored each character's individual powers and origins a bit more if they had more time.

Honestly this is one those movies that would have benefited from being a mini series or something, it has potential for that kind of treatment imo. Would have probably turned out better in that format. Still a solid movie worthy of being in anyone's Watchlist.

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The Devil All the Time

Not really sure what I was expecting from this movie, to be honest. Didn't even look at the description for it on Netflix. I watched it because I saw Tom Holland was in it, and was curious how he'd perform in a different role altogether. I'd say he was pretty good, and they made a great casting choice for his role.

Overall, definitely not a terrible movie by any means, although I wouldn't call it stellar or anything either. It kept me interested enough to keep watching till the end, at least.

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Snow Day

This movie is cheesy in every sense of the word, but, you know what? That actually isn't a bad thing for this movie. It's an enjoyable watch with a great supporting cast. Is it the best movie I've ever watched? Far from it, but it's a fine movie that I felt wasn't a total waste of my time.

Fair warning: it's a musical, so if you hate those with a passion, you probably won't find it that enjoyable regardless of the cast. You've been warned.

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Miracle in Cell No. 7

Absolutely amazing movie that had me in tears throughout. So good! It's not afraid to defy stereotypes, which is another great thing it does. Don't hesitate any further, watch it now, it's unlikely that you'll regret it, especially if you're already a fan of drama movies.

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This movie is amazing, it simply is. If you're on the fence, don't be, jump over it and watch it, It's got lessons fit for any age and one big one we all need to learn even today. Overall it's a fun movie with lots of great jokes and a few horror elements here and there too!

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