The Dead Files

I don't know how this show's episode guide have gotten so fouled up, there has only ever been 14 seasons

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Ghost Hunters

This entry needs a major update to fix all of the outdated info - The network, the cover art, the blurb, everything.

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Kindred Spirits: 7x07 Living With the Dead

Jesus on a cracker, I think this is where I say goodbye. Adam and Amy seem to have named themselves as "psychotherapists to the non-living" complete with group therapy and what in tarnation? This show has devolved to be even less believable and more annoying than Ghost Adventures and The Dead Files. RIP Ghost Hunting Shows, Adam and Amy just murdered it.

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Live PD

A&E caved to the vocal minority and cancelled the show. So disappointed , they lost the chance to keep showing America what the police have to endure.

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On Patrol: Live

Shout by Leamh
BlockedParent2022-08-20T13:28:59Z— updated 2023-08-09T18:04:20Z

I was a little hesitant when I heard Live PD was coming back, I was afraid they'd "Disney" it up so as not to Offend and it wouldn't be the same show. I'm so thankful I'm wrong, love having Dan, Sticks and Curtis entertain me on Fridays and Saturdays, I look forward to weekends again!

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Richard Hammond's Workshop

If you're thinking of watching this because you enjoy Richard Hammond and want to see more about him and his life, you'll enjoy this.

If you expect Richard Hammond working on cars (like I did) you'll be disappointed.

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Roadworthy Rescues

I was expecting a car repair/restoration show, but what I got is a banal run of the mill thing focusing more on the host rambling incoherently and standing around looking befuddled in between fast-forward montages of work that had been completed (whether the host actually did any of the work, I don't know. Most of the first episode was him chucking a piece of metal onto the floor pan and washing the engine bay. sigh My quest to find a show that fills my car fixing itch has hit another dead end, I fear.) I'll give it a few more episodes but I'm not holding out much hope. Is it too much to ask to get a car show that actually shows repairs/restorations without all of the 'Chip-From-Fixer-Upper-Shlubby-Aw-Shucks' babble? For a notable car company (Motortrend) they sure are crap at making car themed television shows.

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Strange Planet

Shout by Leamh
BlockedParent2023-09-22T17:54:42Z— updated 2023-10-26T16:22:38Z

I was really looking forward to this but as others have said...the spirit of the web comic did not come through in the show. Don't get me wrong, it was enjoyable but oddly generic, with such clever new scenarios as "Millennial afraid to ask someone out!" and "Child does things to exasperate parents" and the always new and exciting "I got a promotion and now everyone hates me".

Overall, cute but lacking what made the web comic so good.

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Ancient Apocalypse

Very interesting and thought provoking but Hancock's delivery (the martyr complex) left a lot to be desired. Still, definitely food for thought.

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My Dream Derelict Home

The only bad thing about this series is there was only one season. I loved every episode, there were some very ambitious builds and all beautifully done. The best part? It focused on the homeowner and their experience and not some shiny perfect-haired HGTV robot host playing to the camera and not doing any actual work. I call this series "THE UN-HGTV"

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Cheap European Homes

This is the show House Hunters international wishes it could be. Really enjoyable; realistic budgets and expectations, homes that are affordable and sometimes a bit off-beat and beautiful locations. Definitely give it a watch if you like travel/home search shows.

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The Blackwell Ghost

Enjoyable "true ghost hunting" style documentary, directed by a guy who makes zombie movies makes this more than a little sus in the truth department (actually, should be labeled "fiction") but still hella entertaining.

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On Patrol: Live: 1x60 Multi Department Pursuit

Shout by Leamh
BlockedParent2023-03-05T21:29:06Z— updated 2023-03-18T09:45:23Z

Is it me or is this show starting to lag? It's no longer quick action from department to department, now they seem to camp out in one department for long stretches of time. Yawn.

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The Woodland Workshop

If you love The Repair Shop and hunger for a similar series with the added bonus of a diverse, multicultural cast that are experts in milking personal tragedy for advertising dollars, this is your jam. Full of heartwarming stories of people who feel entitled to social media accolades, likes and follows, they farm their karma by nominating other entitled karma farmers to receive bespoke handmade pieces. It's a feel good show guaranteed to make you want to get up and milk a personal tragedy for gain.

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Kindred Spirits

Shout by Leamh
BlockedParent2023-02-14T16:54:50Z— updated 2023-03-10T18:26:55Z

This show started out as compelling must watch Paranormal TV (season 1 was about the best ghost hunting I've ever watched) but the last 2 seasons are some kind of weird psychotherapy for the dead combined with a campaign of "Let's Woke The Ghosts" and I fully expect they will give the ghosts pronouns by the end of the season. No. this is no longer "serious" ghost hunting, it's in the realm of Dead Files, Most Haunted and Ghost Adventures nonsense now. Thumbs well DOWN and a real disappointment.

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Dirty Old Cars

I love car shows and I was really interested in seeing gorgeous cars detailed to perfection. What I got was a 30 minute show consisting of the most annoying hosts babbling, bragging and bawking for 18 minutes and 2 minutes of great shots like "squeezing out a sponge!" "turning on the power washer!" and the big favorite "MOP Polishing!" The first episode had a couple of rednecks shnookering someone out of a Camaro, washed it and then sold it back to the chump for an additional $2k. Just awful, don't bother with this show, just go download Car Detailing Simulator, it's a lot more entertaining than this tripe.

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Filthy House SOS

I like this show, but season 1 was better. Season 2 replaced Jon with a no-personality butterfly who never seems to work very hard.

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Kindred Spirits: 5x01 Devil In Salem

:rolling_eyes:Summary: Amy and Adam harass the spirits of Salem Witch Trial victims with....wait for it....WITCHCRAFT! And then are shocked when the spirits get angry and call them devils. Hilarity ensues.

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Ripley's Believe It or Not!

I absolutely loved this series when I was a kid, I've always hoped it would be put on Amazon or YouTube but no one has yet

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