

Kyiv, Ukraine

Good Will Hunting

Reply by Ivan

RIP Robin Williams. Amazing movie. I can't believe myself I didn't watch it until this time...

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@selcukermaya I watched this film yesterday, can't believe myself I hadn't done it before.

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Enough Said

Reply by Ivan

Gandolfini's last film. I really enjoyed this movie. What was really different about the film is that it was written by a woman and you can see the difference in the dialog. It also did a great job of showing how we are all counterparts (the same, but different) to each other in our various relationships.

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@adammorgan @adammorgan The Drop is his last. The nice one as well

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Reply by Ivan

Jon Voight is killing it in this terrible movie.

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@nmahoney416 the death of his character is so funny

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Yes, God, Yes

WARNING: This is not a Christian movie! Do not watch this with your family and kids. The people who made this should be sued for using such a misleading title.

I'd only recommend this movie to people who are completely OK with going to hell, because that's all this movie teaches.

Terribly disappointed. 2/10

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@colorthekid lol, your comment is very funny

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The Last Days on Mars

Reply by Ivan

Cross between Red Planet (2000) and Aliens (1986). Time better spent watching both those movies instead (even with Red Planet's sappiness). Well-constructed movie - good effects, average acting, below-average plot, and very poor execution of the plot.

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@jchaven-deleted-1465750726 Liev Schreiber acted well enough though

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Destiny, My Love: Second Song

Reply by Ivan

Where to watch this moviw

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@veron1234 still nowhere I'm afraid

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Human Capital

Reply by Ivan

i kept waiting for Ray to appear with a Bat and fix all problems, but it never happened. He´s so soft now.

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@pedro his life changed after he got cancelled

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