The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Loved it! They definitely skipped a lot of the tour, but overall it was a great representation of the book.

The entire 50 minutes of the arena scene was intense and very well done. Very close to the book in most regards.

Overall, there was a lot about this one that I liked a little more than the first. There were a lot of funny one liners here and there.

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Ender's Game

Better than I anticipated. Expected a few things differently, but overall - loved it.

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Iron Man 3

An epic combination of action and hilarity. RDJ and Paltrow deliver again.

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Red Dawn

Good action, cute girls, mediocre acting. Overall not too bad.

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Wreck-It Ralph

Great movie!

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Oz the Great and Powerful

Decent show. Not what I was expecting, but not bad.

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Black Sheep

Classic. I miss Chris Farley :(

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Zero Dark Thirty

The beginning was pretty decent, the middle got pretty slow, and the end was pretty awesome (in terms of action). Overall pretty good; good acting, etc.

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The Imposter

This is a pretty well compiled documentary. I can't believe the things the man did and got away with. It's wild, but understandable given the circumstances that the family would be so convinced. From the article someone else posted, you can see what led to this type of behavior, but it's still hard to believe that anyone would do such a horrible thing to so many people.

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Life of Pi

A few parts had really cool visuals. There's a lesson behind the whole movie that clicks at the end. Not really my kind of film, but I've sat through far worse.

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Loving this show more and more each episode. Upping my rating to 8/10.

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Death Race: Inferno

Someone else said it well: bad acting, hot chicks and action. What more could you want?

Once the end brings it all together, the story itself isn't half bad either. Overall better than I expected.

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This Is 40

A bunch of good one liners, but not a see-again. A decent 'rent & watch with friends'

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I wasn't expecting much from this movie, but it was actually quite good. The actors are great and they do a good job telling the story.

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Act of Valor

Before you complain about the acting, you have to realize that they purposely used ex-navy seals for this movie. They are not actors, and that was no accident. It was an attempt to bring the movie as close to reality as possible.

Another such example is the scene with the 50cal turrets mounted on the boats in the river. That scene was done with live ammunition.

At the end of the day, this was a really great movie in terms of being realistic and having great action. You just have to accept the fact that the people are real, not actors.

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Shout by Steven Clyde

Ok, I understand why the majority of the movie takes place in the box now. This was definitely better than buried, with all things considered. Can't believe all the turns taken.

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Seems better than Buried, but at the end of the day - it's a movie about a guy in a box. The plot is good, I just wish they showed everything else that was happening from the proper perspectives.

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Born to Race

Horrible acting, lame story, decent racing scenes.

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The Divide

Well... The end was pretty good. Everything up to the end, however... not so good.

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Frozen Planet

Pretty cool show... Some of the shots they captured are truly amazing.

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The Walking Dead

The finale was awesome! Really excited for the next season... Based on The Talking Dead, there's a whole lot of awesome in line for next season.

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The Hunger Games

The books were awesome, can't wait to see the movie tomorrow!

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Still a bit fuzzy on what exactly is going on, but the story is very intriguing... I want more!!

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I was expecting this to be pretty mediocre... Man was I wrong. I loved it! The CGI was a bit obvious at points, but in general, the movie was really good.

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Shout by Steven Clyde


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