scooby snack



Doom Patrol: Season 2

i'm wondering how many episodes there are in Season 2. is there a definitive resource where i can check?

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Motherland: Fort Salem: Season 1

we're in a age where bad fanfiction gets greenlit for the benefit of 3 people. highly likely to get cancelled

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Emergence: Season 1

After a couple of promising initial episodes, the show has started to tank rapidly. the premise is becoming silly and the police procedures concerning the ‘mystery’ are laughable. I fully expect this to get cancelled at season-end despite the presence of Clancy Brown. A dud

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The 100: Season 6

quite possibly the most brainless series currently on TV. their trick is to cover the same storylines with the same core group of actors. then once that's done they do the same thing again but in a different place. its bad, it's always been bad and i imagine it always will be bad. its too dumb to be called escapism and just popular enough to avoid getting cancelled. if you like soap-operas that require you to switch your brain off then this is the show for you. you have been warned.

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Bellevue: Season 1

be warned that this show is very melodramatic. there are far too many odd diversions and even stranger dialogue. far too many unnecessary secrets in this town, and most lead to ridiculous consequences. the writers frequently misdirect the audience with muted/whispered dialogue. it all adds up to a very unsatisfying viewing experience.

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Jeff & Some Aliens: Season 1

far out, gross, offensive and far too close to the bone. but funny as hell.

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