

Orange City, Florida


LOVED! LOVED! LOVED this movie! Jennifer Garner is a total badass which is in total opposition of her character. How many of us dream of doing just this if we were in the same situation?! I started this movie with zero expectations & was just blown away. Well worth a watch!

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I don't understand all the hype & disturbing criticism about this movie. It's NOT about pedophilia. Over-sexualization of children? Sure...if that's how you choose to see it. Nobody bats an eye when ANY pop star does the same exact thing on stage & film! This is a group of preteen girls in a coming-of-age story in 2020 with MANY underlying stressors affecting their not yet fully developed frontal lobes! That's it! Take into account how real these children are portrayed given that ALL THEY SEE & KNOW is from TV, movies, music videos, gaming, & the internet. It is literally everywhere you look these days. The hypersexuality of women has become the "norm." Because it's a film it's not supposed to depict truth?! Come on, people! Grow up & take your rose-colored glasses off. You can't have your cake & eat it too. Either stop normalizing the way women are portrayed in media or face the consequences of your children emulating them. Those are your choices! Leave the film alone. It did it's job. It told it's own personal story with the raw, bleeding edge that is our society.

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Billie Eilish: The World's a Little Blurry

I've been slowly trying to like Billie over the last couple of years but not really diving in too deep, if you know what I mean. I'm almost 50 & she's 18 but the couple of songs that I really latched onto spoke to me deeply. Watching this doc gave me a much deeper respect & understanding of this kid. Not to mention, just being in awe of her now. She's got a beautiful voice & a lot to say.

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So I'm gonna have a different take on this. Others seemed to have hated it. I loved it. It's slow, calm & meaningful. This man, who can never catch a break in life, big or small, finally finds love in a dying world. Poetic! I loved all the characters except not Dusan so much; never could get a steady read on him. The cameo appearances mentioned by others were just that for me. Those characters could've been nobodies & nothing would've changed. They weren't real pieces of the story anyway! What matters is taking this life journey with this almost invisible down-on-his-luck guy. And watching him finally get a "win," regardless of the circumstances.

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The Hollow Point

It feels like we come into this story around the midpoint & then we spend the hour & a half of the movie playing catch up, trying to figure out what's going on. But for what it is, what we get of the story, it's good, well acted. It just feels like we're missing something...

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The one & only time I went to Sea World was spring of 2003. I saw Tilikum & the others perform. They were breathtakingly beautiful creatures! But it broke my heart at the same time. I like Disney movies. I do not like their corporate sleaziness.

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You Can't Take My Daughter

I can't believe anyone still hires Kirstie Alley for anything anymore! She's a dumpster fire! Horrible. Other than her parts, this was a good Lifetime movie.

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Furry Vengeance

I don't know why this got such bad reviews. I literally LOL'd a bunch of times while watching. I'm an animal lover so I thought it was super cute & funny. Along the same lines as Dr Doolittle & other animal-centric movies.

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Mary Poppins Returns

Nobody could ever beat Julie Andrews but DAMN if Emily Blunt doesn't channel her fantastically! :grin:

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Lockup: Women Behind Bars

Can't mark this as watched because it says there's "no air date," but I just finished watching the season on Netflix.

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On the Rocks

Like others have said, Bill Murray is the only highlight of this movie...other than 2 super cute little girls! That littlest one mostly. :heart_eyes: Other than that, an hour & a half of my life I can't get back. Started scrolling through Facebook about halfway through it. Just boring.

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I was in a fibro flare while watching this so I don't know if that added to the confusion of this or what but...WHAT?! I don't know! And that's the gist of my feelings of this movie. I just don't understand what's going on! Lol!

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Cloud Atlas

I was confused the entire 3 hours...but also intrigued just enough to keep watching...

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Diamond Cartel

Horrible voice-overs & extremely corny...all in the first 5 mins. Couldn't hang...

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Episode 7 is Patrick Swayze just FYI

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