Jonathan Siegal


Omicron Persei 8

Kingdom: 1x03 Piece of Plastic

This episode in particular drew me in.

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Naked and Afraid

This show is starting to get on my nerves. They seem to be picking more attractive women and less qualified participants and it's becoming clear that this is more naked and starving than naked and afraid. Very few people on this show do anything more than wait out the 21 days.

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True Romance

This really is a great movie. I always think that Christian Slater doesn't get much credit, but this is one of those movies that I remember him from.

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When oh when will Milch return to the greatness that was Deadwood. This reminds me more of the failed John from Cincinnati. Fell asleep watching it and don't care if I return to it or not, no matter how desperately I need a new show now that Homeland has ended.

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Shout by Jonathan Siegal

First time I've seen Jude, Matt, and Gwyneth together since the Talented Mr. Ripley.

The movie was very grim, not nearly as grim as The Road, but still a pretty disturbing view of what the world could most likely become.

The ending .....

... I thought was pretty unimaginative. They could have at least made a more clear message about the value of science by showing exactly what a denial of it would lead to, instead of placating a nervous audience with a palatable ending.

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American Horror Story

I'm under the impression this is just a one-season show. I've become a bit disappointed with the later episodes. It's become too surreal for me to genuinely fear anything that's happening.

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Person of Interest

Couldn't agree more with BenFranklin there. It's boring, predictable, unimaginative, and a huge disappointment for both a Nolan and an Emerson fan.

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The Walking Dead

I'm a big zombie fan and a lot of people I admire are involved in this show. A Breaking Bad director and a Lost director each directed one episode.

That being said, the characters and the writing for this show are pretty poor. They're doing a good job with making the zombies seem realistic, but the characters seem fake and shallow. A lot of the plot devices are equally predictable.

I'm hoping they can do more with the second season. I'll still be watching, but it's been a disappointment so far.

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