Sean RudfordDirector



Elementary: 6x02 Once You've Ruled Out God

i am Dutch and i got no clue what they were talking about with opening the car door, they've never taught me that

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@mogwaylaven lol I was wondering about that myself. I'm not Dutch, just found that curious way to prevent hitting a cyclist.. Seems like mirrors work good for that too.

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Marvel's The Punisher: 1x13 Memento Mori

Reply by Sean RudfordDirector


As soon as they introduced Billy Ruso I wondered if they got the guts to turn him into Jigsaw.
After last Episode I thought they could actually do it.
And as I saw the mirror I knew: They are fucking doing it!
Can't whait to find out what his face will look like.

Never thought a ride with a carousel would be so intense!^^

Last four Episodes where insane!
I was most surprised by the gore.
Maybe one of the best Marvel Shows!
Hell, it is!

Jon Bernthal is the Punisher!
No doubt about that!

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@mrblonde exact same boat! when he was griding the dudes face on the broken glass... I was like holy hell here's really gonna be jigsaw


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Wayward Pines: 1x10 Cycle

Reply by Sean RudfordDirector

It was pretty good up until that last scene with Ben waking up again... it didn't make any sense and ruined everything.

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I thought it made sense. The psycho kids got out of the ark (which was very well armed) and took the city back from the adults. It did leave a lot of things open ended.. but hey.. that's what tv shows do now a days. It's not about telling a complete story, it's about getting that next season.

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