

Buenos Aires

Legion: 2x05 Chapter 13

'Apparently on Legion' that's genius

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The Americans: 6x10 START

A heartbreaking ending for one of the greatest dramas of all time. Both the garage and the strain scenes are acting masterpieces. Everyone had theories about how the show should end, who would die, but in retrospective it couldn't have ended any diferent. Elizabeth and Philip didn't get caught but they still lost everything. Goodbye Americans, you'll be sorely missed

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Fear the Walking Dead: 4x03 Good Out Here

Children are truly the worst

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Outlander: 3x05 Freedom & Whisky


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The Americans: 6x06 Rififi

The phone conversation between Elizabeth and Henry was so sad. She barely knows him. At this point I can't see a happy ending (whatever that is) for the Jennings.

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13 Reasons Why: 2x13 Bye

The season as a whole felt really subpar compared to the first one. It was filled with plot holes (the sixth episode was infuriating and made no sense whatsoever) and storylines that didn’t landed nor delivered. The courtroom scenes were interesting at first, as was the concept of the character testifying becoming the center of the episode but they became ridiculous FAST as the show used them as a way to move forward with the plot and justify flashbacks forgoing any sense of legal proceedings and reality. (How many times did the judge say ‘I’ll allow it’ about truly insane línes of questioning? It was ABSURD)
Brandon Flynn and Miles Herzer delivered strong performances but the MVP was Devin Druid. THAT scene on the final episode was disturbing and hard to watch but Druid excelled during it and the character’s arc (even though it was rather predictable).
It was a mess but I couldn’t stop watching

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The Good Fight: 2x10 Day 471

Christine Baranski is a goddess

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Riverdale: 2x20 Chapter Thirty-Three: Shadow of a Doubt

Teenage mafia? This show is ridiculous

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Big Brother: 20x40 Finale, Winner Revealed

An amazing season that ended with a shitty finale. I love Kaycee but Tyler deserved to win. The whole thing was poorly produced, rushed, I mean, cutting the speeches for a Soggy C proposal? At least Tyler got AFH, him and Angela were a treat this summer.

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Killing Eve: 1x05 I Have a Thing About Bathrooms

'I just want to have dinner with you'

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Big Brother: 20x24 Nominations #8

Is Fessy the dumbest houseguest of all time? You can't make this up

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Once Upon a Time: 7x01 Hyperion Heights

I didn't dislike it as I thought I would. So far so good, we'll see...

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Kingdom: 3x10 Lie Down in the Light

Such a heartbreaking and beautiful ending for this great series. It will be missed.

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Major Crimes: 6x09 Conspiracy Theory (4)

Commander Sharon Raydor deserved so much better

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Big Brother: 20x38 Live Eviction #14

We were robbed of an epic final 3. Tyler's speech and GBM were the cutest thing ever, I love him and Angela together.

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Major Crimes: 6x13 By Any Means (4)

I can't believe the show ended without Sharon Raydor

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Outlander: 3x06 A. Malcolm

Best episode of the season so far

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Big Brother: 19x39 Finale

That was one of the most satisfying moments in reality TV history. It almost makes this horrible season worth it.

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Room 104: 1x05 The Internet

Best episode so far. So much anxiety.

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