Matheus Pereira Martins Barros


São José dos Campos, Brazil

The Magicians: 3x09 All That Josh

That Under Pressure moment brought tears in my eyes and a smile on my lips!
Lots of moments of this show can be fun, but not totally awesome. Totally awesome is what this season has been achieving

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The Magicians: 3x08 Six Short Stories About Magic

Holy shit! This was so awesome :O

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The Flash: 7x14 Rayo De Luz

My girlfriend has been commenting that The Flash became Care Bears. This episode even gave the opportunity for her to sing the theme song at a given moment :joy::joy::joy:

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Killjoys: 5x08 Don't Stop Beweaving

Of course Zaia's actress is Zeph/Kelly's sister (Hilary McCormack) in real life.
That explains why they look so much alike lol

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Gotham: 4x18 A Dark Knight: That's Entertainment

Awesome episode. But damn... that laughing gas transformation is really bollocks! :D

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Stargirl: 1x01 Pilot

Wow! Really loved this. I think it mixed well the golden age vibe with modern times / teen stuff.
Didn't expect to like it like I did :laughing:
I only hope it doesn't get dragged down with nonsense drama like the other superhero shows (I'm mainly looking at you, Flash :weary:)

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The Magicians: 5x05 Apocalypse? Now?!

So this is how we went all Thundarr the Barbarian?

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Face Off: 11x09 Frightening Families

Good to see Ben back at his game! :D

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