The Sinner

Not a super remarkable show or story line but every episode leaves you with just enough of an urge to find out more. Slowly unraveling the mystery and history of Cora leading up to that day on the water.

After I watched the first 2 episodes I figured it would be best to save up the remain episodes and watch them in one go. I'm glad I did.

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Went in 'blind' and didn't regret it one moment. Build up and suspense kept me wanting more the very second the episode was over. Overall it is a beautifully crafted series that takes you on a journey with Kyle and everything that seems to be going wrong around him.

I can't wait for season 2!

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Loved every second of it :)

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The Event

All in all a good show.

It had a dip around the middle of the season where both the global story and the intensity of the episodes became 'meh'. Toward the end of the season it picks up speed again.

It's a pity they lost a lot of viewers because of an idiotic broadcasting scheme though. If you broadcast a serialized drama you can't take a break of several months, followed by an episode once every few weeks and expect viewers to pick up where they left of and more stay interested.

And I guess the 'complex' storyline of the first few episodes can scare of some viewers as well.

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