Nils Ho

1 Follower0 Following

Neukölln, Berlin, Germany

Poor Things

This is your newspaper movie critic's favourite movie. It also is incredibly mediocre. Emma Stone plays well and Mark Ruffalo absolutely tries his best to save this weird piece of cinema. But ultimately it is probably the most blatantly Oscar grabbing, pretentious and in a very annoying way macabre movie I have ever seen. It tries desperately to be artsy and special when in reality there is absolutely nothing of substance behind the whole masquerade of b/w, crazy camera angles and overacting.

Go and watch it if you like fish eye effects and cool face prosthetics. If those two aren't the most important parts of your cinema experience, then it isn't worth to sit through what felt like four hours of repeating sex scenes starring a mentally five year old "woman" mixed with odd, mistimed tries to halfheartedly swoop in some moral messaging.

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