Daniel Lucas

1 follower

Omicron Persei 8

Walker: 4x10 End This Way

Pretty easily one of my favourite episodes of this entire show. Really hope the finale is satisfying enough for a series finale.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 5x10 Life, Itself

Discovery was my first proper Trek show. I'd watched bits and pieces of some of the other shows, particularly TNG and Voyager when they were on TV or when my parents were watching it, and I vaguely remember watching Enterprise, but not enough to really count it in any meaningful way especially as I remember almost nothing about it.

So with all that said this episode, and the show as a whole, is particularly meaningful to me. I've grown and changed with this characters, much as I imagine those who grew up on any of the other shows did too, and it's never easy to say goodbye to anything that means so much.

But I don't feel sad. I'm so happy with how it ended, it was pretty much everything I wanted. And it was hopeful, which feels pretty perfect for Star Trek. I'll never forget this show and until we meet again, "Let's fly".

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Fallout: 1x02 The Target

Not seen anyone mention how the dead family that Lucy comes across is peak Bethesda style storytelling skeletons.

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X-Men '97: 1x10 Tolerance Is Extinction (3)

The only issue I have with it is that there isn't going to be a new episode next week.

This episode, and the season as a whole, was absolutely phenomenal. One of those things where you just sit there afterwards wondering what you're supposed to do next, because it feels like nothing else will come close. Definitely going to be eagerly awaiting season 2.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x15 The Cavalry Has Arrived

A genuinely incredible final episode. Don't think I could have asked for a better ending.

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X-Men '97: 1x05 Remember It

What an absolutely insane episode. This is such an incredible show. The cut to black and Rogue's final line absolutely broke me, and I've still got the new bad batch episode to watch. Wednesday night animation nights are turning out to be so much more traumatic than I expected.

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X-Men '97: 1x04 Motendo / Lifedeath (1)

I'm not really all that keen on Mojo and this was certainly a step down from the first three episodes, but it had some nice moments, particularly everything between Jubilee and the older copy (voiced by the original series actress in a fitting touch), but I was sort of left wanting for more, whether that was more involvement from some of the other characters or just a more fleshed out story. I never felt like the characters were in any particular peril, even when Roberto is quite literally about to die.

Add to that the oddly placed and also far too short Storm plot and I'm left with an episode that had good ideas but didn't quite nail the execution. It's by no means bad but when the first few episodes are just so good, a lesser quality episode stands out even more than it otherwise might.

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X-Men '97: 1x02 Mutant Liberation Begins

Not much else to say other than truly, truly incredible stuff, somehow even better than the first episode. Was not expecting some absolutely heavy hitting storylines practically right out of the gate, but this nailed everything. There's definitely a lot to look forward to this season and I'm not sure I could be more excited for it.

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X-Men '97: 1x01 To Me, My X-Men
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x13 What We're Fighting For

Finished my first full rewatch since the show ended and this is still such a great ending to the season and the show as a whole. Now to miss the show all over again until I cave and do another rewatch.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x01 Pilot

Just watched this again in celebration of 10 years since the UK premiere of the show which, as a side note, I was surprised to learn was so close to the US premiere since it's felt that for the longest time we would always get US shows at least months after they first aired.

It's still a solid introduction to the world of the show and the characters that would still be on the show 7 years later as well as also setting up some intriguing mysteries that are interesting to look back on knowing how they all panned out.

It's got me almost seriously considering doing a rewatch again based on airdates, despite still having 3 episodes left on my current rewatch, although I may have to switch to the original airdates since UK ones aren't very readily available. To paraphrase Coulson from the end of this episode, I suppose I have 7 days to decide if I want to follow through with that plan.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x09 Subspace Rhapsody

This made me feel exactly the same way that Those Old Scientists did, absolute joy. Could not be happier with it.

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24: 9x12 Day 9: 10:00 P.M.-11:00 A.M.

I must have started watching 24 for the first time at least a year ago, maybe even two. It's been a wild ride but I must say I've enjoyed every single minute of it and this finale was no different. I'm pleased with how it ended even if it was quite heartbreaking.

Not really sure what I'm gonna do with myself now, this show has been such a constant for so long. In the end I'm glad I watched it all, and I will always fondly remember my time spent watching Jack Bauer's many adventures.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 2x07 Those Old Scientists

So this episode released early (and also has lead to the rest of the episodes being brought forward a week) and I genuinely could not be happier with it. It's everything I ever wanted it to be and more and will definitely be something I watch over and over again.

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Gotham Knights: 1x13 Night of the Owls

I've really enjoyed this whole season and this episode is no exception, apart from the cliffhanger stuff that'll never get resolved, but I do appreciate that at very least the main plot threads were tied up. In the end I'd have liked to see more, but I'm happy for what we got.

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Superman & Lois: 3x13 What Kills You Only Makes You Stronger

Not exactly sure how to feel about this. On the surface it's a good episode that does a lot with all the characters and sets up different places for them all to go in the future, plus the Luther/Doomsday stuff was pretty cool even if some of the CGI was a little dodgy.

But with all the regular cast members not returning for season 4 I found it hard to really care about what was going on around them, which hasn't been an issue for me on this show before.

Ultimately I'm glad there is at least on more season coming cause that cliffhanger would have been a terrible place to end the whole thing, but they are going to have to do a lot of work to make it make sense why so many characters aren't involved any more.

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Fast X

Ridiculously, stupidly entertaining. Exactly what I wanted. So dumb but I could not have had a better time.

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The Flash: 9x09 It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want To

A near perfect episode that feels almost like a farewell tour to the two shows that started the entire Arrowverse, if not the entire Arrowverse itself.

I cheered when Oliver said "You have failed this city" and when the arrowhead and lightning appeared on screen, and was crying at the callback to the rooftop chat from the very first episode.

I'm gonna really miss all these characters and this world that I've known for so many years now, just got to hope that they manage to stick the landing with these final 4 episodes.

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Extraordinary: 1x03 Dead End Job

Completely lost it at the mid credit scene, I love this show so much.

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Yellowstone: 5x02 The Sting of Wisdom

The only thing massively standing out to me is Carter. The new actor is fine with what little he's had so far, but he just doesn't look like only 9 ish months has passed, he looks at least a couple of years older.

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She-Hulk: Attorney at Law: 1x09 Whose Show Is This?

I loved this so much. Definitely hoping the mentions of season 2 weren't just for the 4th wall break.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x15 Self Control

Reached this episode on my rewatch and it's just a phenomenal episode that starts a phenomenal run of episodes right up until the end of the season. Everything is perfect from the twists to the action, and all the characters/actors shine, especially those playing LMD versions of their characters.

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The Orville: 3x10 Future Unknown

Some good, some bad, definitely not perfect. I kinda wish they had just had it as a celebration of the crew through wedding preparations without the need for forced tension and the Lysella plot was far too underdeveloped for such an interesting premise, it definitely should have been it's own episode.

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The Orville: 3x09 Domino

Charly should have had more on screen character development and her sacrifice would have been more meaningful. We got almost an entire season of her hating the Kaylon and Isaac and then we find out that they just became okay working together after the ending of last week's episode? I can see how it happened, but it would have been nice to actually SEE it happen.

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The Orville: 3x08 Midnight Blue

I think it could have been shorter, which tbh has been something I've thought about most of the episodes this season, or maybe a two part story but apart from that this one was really good.

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The Orville: 3x07 From Unknown Graves

I have mixed feelings about this one. The Kaylon plot was great, it was nice to see why they're like they are now instead of just vague "the builders mistreated us", as well as some great character work from Isaac/Dr Finn and some development for Charly.

The alliance plot was not great. Their whole plan of lying to the aliens was just straight up dumb and I don't see how anyone thought it was a good idea. It was very clearly written that way so that the plot could happen.

Finally the Lamar/Keyali plot was just kinda ehh. Not great but not bad, just kinda out of place.

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The Orville: 3x05 A Tale of Two Topas

I've had a few issues with this season of The Orville, but this one corrected pretty much all of them. A really beautiful story told very well and despite it being the longest episode yet it didn't feel like any of it was wasted.

Hope this season continues to get better as it goes on and if the last couple of episodes are any indication, it's definitely headed in that direction.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x08 The Elysian Kingdom

Honestly this might be my favourite episode so far, although I have pretty much been feeling that way for every new episode. What could have been a fairly clichéd and generic "alt universe/role reversal" story was elevated by the beautifully emotional conclusion to an ongoing plot thread. I was expecting to laugh going in, but I certainly did not think I would end the episode in tears.

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The Orville: 3x04 Gently Falling Rain

After this and last week's episode I have hope that the first two were mostly just teething problems as they adjusted to a new network and all the changes that were made to the show. This was definitely the best episode of the season so far and the first one where it didn't feel like the runtime was too long for the story. Hoping it can keep this up.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x07 The Serene Squall

Another fantastic episode from what has been an absolutely delightful first season. Did not see the Dr Aspen twist coming which made up for the whole "pirates taking over the ship" plot being a bit predictable at first. Definitely excited for the last few episodes, but at the same time I'm absolutely not ready for it to end.

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