The Good Doctor: 7x10 Goodbye

I'm going to miss this show and it's characters. They did a great job with the finale.

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American Crime Story: 3x08 Stand By Your Man

Edie Falco....Hillary Clinton....blah, not working for me. Clive is fairly good as Bill. I lived through the real drama and I don't remember hearing about Monica being as much of an immature high school that they are portraying her to be, but who knows, we only say glimpses of her on the front pages of the newspaper back then. The show itself is doing a decent job and laying out the facts as best they can in a miniseries.

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The Good Doctor: 7x05 Who at Peace

No! No! No! This changes everything :(

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Better Things: 5x10 We Are Not Alone

I'm going to miss Sam and all the gang!

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Homeland: 8x05 Chalk Two Down

OK, now that was good and makes up for the previous lack luster episodes.

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This Is Us: 6x17 The Train

WoW, such a gut wrenching episode, it reaches inside and pulls everything you have right out. I have no tears left. I think the reason why it is so incredibly sad is because is because it's so real. I recently experienced this in my own life a few years ago. It's written so well I keep thinking the writers must have been flies on the walls of my own life experience. I can't remember any other show causing such emotional turmoil inside of me.

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The Good Doctor: 2x17 Breakdown

Oh my! Freddie Highmore brought it full circle to the first time we met Dr. Shaun. The last scene was riveting, heart wrenching and so intense I wanted to reach through the screen and hug Shaun and cry with him. Claire is also amazing and one of the only doctors who presents human compassion. Daniel Dae Kim....I liked himhis character on Lost, loved his Hawaii 5-0 character but this Dr. Han crap is not likeable at all. Hope his role in front of the camera is short lived.

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Uncut Gems

I found this movie so annoying. From the beginning credits through the end credits it's 2+ hours of non-stop screaming, yelling, very loud music and chaos. It's hard to understand at times what each individual character is saying because they are all screaming over each other. I suppose the ending is not unexpected but still a bit of a shock. It's a very different roll for Sandler and he plays it pretty well.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x13 Mayday

Awesome. The first half of this season left me thinking that the writers were bored with this show but, he last few episodes turned that around. Great finale!

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The Good Doctor: 5x05 Crazytown

So very much disliking the new season and the addition of Salen. It's a little hard to fathom that these seasoned, brilliant doctors will put up with the constant belittling and BS from her, and these shouldn't. She's demanding a lot of respect and cooperation from them but giving very little back. Blah.

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This Is Us: 5x01 Forty (1) / Forty (2)

Definitely underwhelming for a season premiere. I was disappointed. They are really time jumping in these episodes. Madison went from "I'm pregnant" and no baby bump to looking like she's 6-7 months pregnant.

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The Good Doctor: 2x15 Risk and Reward

Now we know why Dr. Glassman has taken a backseat lately. Daniel Dae Kim was preparing us for his arrival. I'm fine with him coming on board in a starring role instead of just being behind the camera but, demoting Shaun is a dumb storyline since the whole thing is based on him and his brillance at coming up with miracle solutions. Pathology doctors don't typically interact with patients so that would put him out of most of the surgery scenarios on this show that's all about him and his amazing ability.

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: 3x07 The Mattress

I dont know why I keep watching this show. I find the humor only mediocre. Samberg is so annoying.

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This Is Us: 4x16 New York, New York, New York

We need more episodes with Jack. He is such an important part of the story. Randall has issues. He is obsessive compulsive, controlling (sort of), a perfectionist and has extreme abandonment issues. I get it but come on Randall. You were chosen and loved. Poor guy is a fruit cake but he can't help it! He's nice but annoying.

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Homeland: 8x01 Deception Indicated

Please don't let this season be consumed with her crazy. It will be great if she ends this having conquered her demons?

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Catfish: The TV Show: 5x10 Kayla & Courtney

I think we just got punked.

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Atlanta: 3x03 The Old Man and the Tree

This show is so weird. It seems nothing has anything to do with anything. Maybe I've forgotten things from the previous season but why are they where they are this season. Head scratcher.

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Dead Asleep

Whatever the truth, its just sad for all.

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This Is Us: 3x15 The Waiting Room

I love love love this show but why does everything have to be a major crisis. Oh yes, that is what this show is about. Agreed, they don't like outsiders intrudding into their circle. Miguel is a better person than I am. He's been around these kids and this family all their lives almost, seems he'd be a shoe in for offiicial membership into the family by now.

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NCIS: Hawai'i: 1x08 Legacy

Ehh, I'm feeling this is going to be a one season show. Compared to the other NCIS shows this one is slow and boring even during the dramatic scenes.

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Catfish: The TV Show: 8x19 Dianela & Jose

That was one of the best episodes they've done recently.

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Chicago Fire: 7x19 Until the Weather Breaks

Great episode, but I'll pass on what looks like the next House 51 hook-up couple?

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The Blacklist: 6x16 Lady Luck

This is not going to end well. Dembe will kill Red or vice versa. Red is losing it and Dembe actually has a conscience.

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Catfish: The TV Show: 8x95 Leanna & Jordan

I've enjoyed spending my time watching this silly show over the years but it's becoming too....scripted. I mean, they are leading us to believe that a 40 year old computer dude or gamer, or savvy 30 year old mom with 2 kids can't figure out they are being led on with BS. At least Leanna saw through Jordan's game. My son has often tried to ruin the fun of the show for me by saying things like "you know it's not real". I'll still watch but some episodes are getting tough to get through the stupid.

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Atlanta: 3x04 The Big Payback

Ok, that was just weird. What am I missing about the point of this show?!

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NCIS: Los Angeles: 13x14 Pandora's Box

For 12 seasons I looked forward to this show every week. Unfortunately, the Kilbride character is changing that...and I've always liked Gerald McRaney! I mean, what a bummer of a character. Grumpy, old man is an understatement. To me the show was my hour of LOL funny on top of the expected NCIS drama for years. Why the writers thought adding a major downer of a character like this to a feel good show would be a plus is baffles me.

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Catfish: The TV Show: 8x40 Aaliyah & Paula

Show is not as interesting as it was pre-pandemic and the stories they are picking are just dumb.

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Catfish: The TV Show: 8x33 Tyler & Stefany

Lame....that's all I can say about this episode. Tyler was unauthentic, very fake, very few words. Virtual Catfish loses all around.

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Good but missed opportunity to be great. There is a lot of talent cast in this movie including Hillary who is an Oscar winner. But its fairly predictable and they don't even try to hide the who-dun-it aspect.

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NCIS: Los Angeles: 12x07 Overdue

I really miss Hetty! Nell is doing great, but she's no Hetty.

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