Steven Lederer

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Los Angeles, California


Deliverance is one of those movies that makes you think twice before taking your next camping trip. What starts out as good old fashioned fun amongst friends, turns into a nightmare.

Strong performances(3 Golden Globe Nominations) from all involved adds an element of realism to a script that already holds it's own weight. The fluid direction from legendary John Boorman moves the story along at a manageable pace, adding suspense at the perfect moments. It will keep you on the edge of your seat, or trembling in fear as the four friends battle their morals as they desperately fight for their lives.

It is considered a classic by many and for very good reason. It is real, dark, dramatic, suspenseful, all interwoven into a story about friendship and their fight for survival in the wilderness. If you are looking for a must see movie before you die, this will definitely deliver.


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Easy Rider

It is a very unique film, from the direction to the pure subject matter of the entire film. It was a first of it's kind, that boasted three of Hollywood's greats. Along with a timeless soundtrack, it is a perfect ride through the subculture of the 1960's United States. The true definition of a classic movie.

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Inherent Vice
James White

This movie revolves around the unfortunate events that continuously plague James White (Christopher Abott) in this harrowing spiral into addiction and utter darkness.

This movie is extremely character driven, relying heavily on the actors performances. The acting was exactly where it needed to be, adding a sense of realism, giving this movie a very uncomfortable feel. Christopher Abott plays the role perfectly, in this breakout performance. Cynthia Nixon also gives a memorable performance as a cancer-stricken mother of James.

It is top-quality filmmaking, giving you a glimpse into life in it's most authentic form. It makes you feel different emotions, a sense of what it is to be. It has a gloomy feel throughout which gives the perfect vibe to the subject matter of the movie

Overall it is a film that boasts strong performances from all involved. It is a very dark movie that is definitely deserving of it's Sundance praise.

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Crocodile Dundee

When you think of memorable 1980's comedies, this one that might come to mind to mind. Revolving around a very colorful, witty and worry-free Australian crocodile poacher(Paul Hogan), it is a feel-good movie filled with many laughs and and witty one-liners.

It offers many laughs in the way of culture shock to both the reporter and Dundee himself. Giving not only a glimpse at culture in the outback, but also in bustling Manhattan. Dundee's innocence of adapting to the fast lifestyle of New York is a formula for laughter.

Paul Hogan plays a highly likeable character, playing off of Linda Kozlowski perfectly, their chemistry is a major contributor to the overall success of this movie. It is filled with scenes of action and comedy, framed into a film that will make you laugh and feel good.


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The Night Before

A forgetful holiday themed comedy. It has it's moments, but as a whole it comes up short. It is overly raunchy at times and is just not very funny. In conclusion it is pretty much a drug movie filled with big names, but not big laughs.

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Less Than Zero

Less Than Zero is movie that is based on a book about drug addiction in Beverly Hills. Although it has not aged all that wellI it does boast a solid cast made up of stars of that time, a few names that have stood the test of time and are still relevant today. The performances were on point, especially that of Robert Downey Jr in the role of a heavily addicted addict.

As far as drug/adddiction movies are concerned this is a decent addition to the list. It does hold a strong sense of realism, but is not overly engaging and the writing is subpar, but entertaining enough to be worth a watch.

It is a time capsule back to the 80's drug scene of Los Angeles, with a gritty portrayal of drugs. I have not read the novel which the movie is based on, so as far as the adaptation, I cannot speak confidently on that aspect. In conclusion, it's an adequate movie about addiction that relied too heavily on the performances from the cast. Worth a watch, but nothing overly memorable other than the nostalgic soundtrack.

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Home Improvement: 4x15 Super Bowl Fever

Jill is one of the most unreasonable characters in the history of television. I feel bad for Tim.

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Two questions can be asked upon viewing this film, what happened? And where did this go wrong? Being a Cameron Crowe project you would think this would be nothing short of a classic. A star-studded cast, set in beautiful Honolulu, Hawaii you would think would be a formula for success.

It's whole feel is that of a glorified made for TV movie, with it's cheesy writing and flawed overall grasp on reality are just a few elements that make this movie a waste of time. Regardless of the criticism about the cast being "white-washed", due in major part to Emma Stone being cast as an Asian character, still is no excuse for this heavily flawed movie. If you aren't planning on watching something deep, real or all that satisfying on any level, this could be it.

Although it is not the worst movie to have ever been made, it definitely is not close to being considered a masterpiece.

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