

Omicron Persei 8

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: 1x01 Frightened Corpse

Steampunk Snowpiercer with zombies? Hyped for the rest. The visuals and animation are perfect and it has just the right amount of gore.

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Castle Rock: 1x07 The Queen

Probably my favorite episode so far. Really well done and puts you in the mindset of Ruth.

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Running Man

I've been watching this show in order for a while now (144 episodes so far), and I love it. It easily beats out every variety/sport competition show that I've seen (haven't watched infinite challenge yet) with it's cast that just have great chemistry with each-other and competitions that seem to get better over time.

I can imagine that the games may get stale after a while, but I can't think of another show that has consistently kept me entertained for 8 1/2 days worth of content as much as this has. This show will eat up a lot of your time and it certainly got me through some bad times.

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No Game No Life: Zero

I did not have many expectations going in to this movie, considering I remembered very little from the TV series. (I didn't even recognize Jibril until the ending sequence) I was pleasantly surprised, considering I thought that it was going to mainly be a comedy. The visuals were beautiful, the battle scenes may be some of the best I've scene in anime, the OST was top notch, the VA's were great (especially Riku's), and it had me in tears at the end. This may have finally baited me into reading the LN's.

I would have given this movie a 9 or 10 if it hadn't felt rushed in the middle. The transition from humanity being hopeless to coming up with this master plan (which wasn't explained well at first) seemed awfully quick. Also, what happened to all the other humans Riku was giving that speech to? At least an extra half hour would have made the movie better.

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Blade Runner: Black Out 2022

Probably my least favorite Watanabe production as the story didn't grab me at all, but the visuals/ost were great.

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The Vietnam War: 1x01 Déjà Vu (1858-1961)

Really enjoyed this first episode. I never really learned much about the French in Vietnam back in school. And that opening scene playing in reverse was pretty neat.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x17 Disgrace in the Extreme

When will the suffering end? I used to look forward to watching this show.

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Mob Psycho 100: 1x01 Self-Proclaimed Psychic: Reigen Arataka ~And Mob~

A fairly interesting start to a new series. I have no idea of what to expect but this will probably be the hype anime of the season.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x15 The Outside of Madness

The best episode in a while. The music, visuals, and performances were all great. It's also nice to finally see some of the witch's cult and even more confirmation that the witch is the one causing Subaru to go back in time.

I felt like Subaru was getting what he deserved in the last couple episodes, even though it was terrible to watch, but this is definitely worse. He is losing everyone he loves and is going insane. I don't think he will ever be able to return to present time without being permanently scarred at this point.

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Amanchu!: 1x01 The Story of the Girl and the Ocean

The amount of varied face designs in this episode was ridiculous. Even many of the background characters had weird faces.

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Space Patrol Luluco

A great series to watch if you have seen some of studio Trigger's previous works. It ties them all together in a hilarious way with great characters, visuals, and a great soundtrack. It is definitely worth watching as it is only an hour and a half worth of shorts.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x11 Rem

It is getting harder and harder to chose between Emelia-tan and Rem.
Anyways, I love how this show uses it's airtime. The first episode was a great first hour and in the other episodes you rarely get the OP & ED or they just play the music in the background with the credits. It feels great being able to watch the show without time being taken away for the same intro's and outro's every week.

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Shiki: 1x14 Fourteenth Death

This episode was painful to watch with Ozaki's experimentation. Seems like things are ramping up though.

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Kiznaiver: 1x10 You Knew Very Well That Your Romantic Feelings Might Be Unrequited, Right?

This show is not letting up. Is this show trying to share their pain with the viewer too?

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Space Patrol Luluco: 1x11 I Was Clueless

It's great to see the actual inferno cop once again.

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Kiznaiver: 1x09 It's All Over......I Think

I'm glad that I gave this anime another chance recently.. This was an all around amazing episode with great lighting, superb voice acting, and intense emotions. It's definitely one of my favorites of the season so far.

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Gintama: 2x07 Keep an Eye on the Chief for the Day

The hostage negotiations were perfect.
"Shit. They're getting carried away. It says to do the robot dance. Okita only."
"Mimic someone. Open to all."

"We're hungry, so prepare some curry."
[Is hot curry okay? Or mild curry?]

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Silicon Valley: 3x05 The Empty Chair

For once they didn't fuck everything up at the end.

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Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto: 1x06 Rules for Leaving School / Love Through the Camera Lens / Cafeteria Marketing

Even ghosts want to hang out with Sakamoto

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x07 Natsuki Subaru’s Restart

Geez, this episode was packed with feels from the start.

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Gintama: 1x25 A Shared Soup Pot is a Microcosm of Life

Only Gintama can make fighting over dinner so entertaining.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x05 The Morning of Our Promise Is Still Distant

Seemed like we were going to have a good ending, I wonder if it was Rem.

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Flying Witch: 1x01 It's Been Six Years

Well, that just kept getting weirder and weirder. Don't know what to expect next. It has a nice country atmosphere though.,

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High School Fleet: 1x01 In a Pinch on Our Maiden Voyage!

Pretty nice twist. Wonder if this will be like madoka or if it will get resolved in the next episode.

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Kiznaiver: 1x01 Sometimes, a Bond Can Bloom from the First Day Eye Contact Is Made

Great movie quality visuals from Trigger. Otherwise the story isn't anything special so far but it definitely has potential.

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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-: 1x01 The End of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End

Excited for the rest. Seems pretty interesting so far. A nice hour-long start.

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