

Omicron Persei 8

Gadget Man

A fun little series. If you're a bit of a geek then this won't be very novel or insightful, but still entertaining.

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Very good. Kind of the female version of The Hangover and therefore maybe even funnier because the balls-out humor is more unexpected.

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Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The usual Indiana Jones stuff (which is decent). But everything they decided to update or change sucks.

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The Purge

Not bad. Nice concept, decent acting, and a couple of nice twists. Sometimes the storyline / actions are a bit illogical.

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Pain & Gain

The first half hour is hilarious. Wahlberg and The Rock as over-the-top bodybuilders. It's a lot of fun to see them take themselves (and bodybuilding) not too seriuosly. The erst of the movie goes downhill from there. The fact that the movie is apparently based on a true story helps though. Surreal..

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Should probably be a 5, but the special effects were pretty entertaining. :-)

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Some plotholes, but a pretty good movie. And call it boring or brave, but I like the fact they made the movie with just one very restricted location.

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Dark Shadows

As a Burton fan, I really liked this one. Granted, the story gets a little thin at the end and he uses a lot of his regular cast and tricks, but it still is a wonderful exercise in style, setting and detail. The story isn't Burton's best, but he sets the mood like nobody else.

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