

Omicron Persei 8

Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

Loved the first one. This one was just tasteless, crude, and felt staged.

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Matt Rife: Natural Selection

I've seen several clips online from him and I thought I'd give it a shot, but I think he doesn't carry a good rhythm. He has a couple of gems followed by long stretches of ugh. And he doesn't keep the momentum which is a real shame.

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I can't find any empathy for the characters. I thought the movie was pretty boring. The soundtrack is questionable, the plot is shallow. The character development is really slow given that it's about the robot. I can't tell who the target audience is because there's a lot of long dialogue that I didn't care about but then scenes with the robot were at times slightly amusing, but at the same time rather childish. I'm guessing they tried to satisfied everyone and ended up appealing to no one. I did like the visuals.

It's a solo adventure with Tom Hanks. So much like his other movie cast away. btw, the robot apparently has an unlimited power-supply :rolling_eyes:

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I guess now we wait for Jurassic Pa... I mean Troll 2

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When Marnie Was There

A gripping tale from beginning to end. I was wondering where they were going with it all, but everything fell into place at the end. And I was pretty glued to watching the movie.

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Life Is Beautiful

At the risk of being unpopular (based on the other reviews) I actually thought the main character was quite annoying.

Stealing the Rome inspectors role and then making things up about Italians being a super race I'm guessing was appropriate at some point, but I didn't think it was funny, nor do I see how a woman would fall for a man who would pretend to be other people in order to curry favor.

When he was in the opera house, and kept waving his hands effectively disturbing the woman next to him, I can't imagine she wouldn't be annoyed as all hell.

I was excited to watch an Italian movie, because it's rare to me, and I was enjoying listening to the language, but I think the humor is just a bit too dated for me to enjoy. I sadly couldn't make it through the whole film so I'm not going to rate it as I feel it's not fair.

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Rio 2

If you like kids to be getting an idea that husbands are complete pussies, then this movie is for you I guess.

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Avengers: Endgame

A big undo button enabled by time travel. The plot doesn't score points

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Avengers: Infinity War

Shout by snowfall

Dr strange giving up the stone wrecked it for me

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Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours to Kill

While the show did elicit a few chuckles, it was an overall disappointment. I think he lingered far too long on just about every part of the routine.

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Star Trek Beyond

For having so many troops that were part of the swarm, they sure didn't have many boots on the ground when the team went to rescue them on the planet ... despite it being their "base". Suspend all your beliefs, and it's still not that great of a movie.

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Taxi, What's Your Name?

movie was good until the end. the main guy's character turned out bad

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Maze Runner: The Death Cure

The city needs to be protected with big walls from cranks but the rebels have jack shit and are fine? There were so many things wrong in the movie that it's not even funny. If you're able to look past that it's entertaining although super cliche.

The first thing wrong was the train chasing scene. It's infesting how the train could stop exactly where newt etc were. It's in fact unbelievable; which is not good.

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Probably a great movie if you are ten years old. A lot of corny jokes and cliche situations. IOW it's really all been done before so if you're ten you haven't seen this type of movie it may do it for you. Also a situation where gravity was defied which had nothing to do with super powers (the bus scene was just silly). It has its moments for sure but everything is just over the top. Clearly for the younger crowd.

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Runaway Jury

A story based on law but but on justice. At least they could have made strong arguments, but they didn't even do that.

If we had invented something, and could be held responsible for people abusing the product, then how would that encourage progress? To say guns are an exception is a simple case of special pleading fallacy.

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The Dark Tower

Produced by Ron Howard? Really? I loved the books although I'm not caught up. I felt that the movie was weak and corny, not at all the intense story that King was weaving. Not that I expected it to follow my imagination in the book, but I had expected a movie that was more tight. Matthew did a fantastic job in True Detective but even he felt unimaginative in his acting.

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Smurfs: The Lost Village

Not bad but the ending sucked and brought it way down

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A Stork's Journey

Not sure why this movie has 75%
Animation leaves a lot to be desired. Plot is super cliché and there's way too many issues with little things. For example, how the hell did the storks know the sparrow's name is Richard? The parents were dead when they found him ... as an egg! Lots of things like that (and my 11 year-old spotted this one).

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Captain Fantastic

I found this movie to be well intended but filled with a bunch of conflicting views. Yes, homeschooling is awesome, however, it was also portrayed as letting the children end up with poor socialization skills, and they were left thinking that they don't know anything if it wasn't taught in a textbook. The characters were against fascist totalitarianism yet the oldest son (Bo) was a Maoist. How is Mao not the epitome of "the man" they so often talked about sticking it to throughout the movie?

That the grandfather didn't do anything about the children going missing? But they all made it fine to fly out of an airport?

There are way too many inconsistencies in the movie as far as political philosophy and ideologies. But I suppose if you are able to look past that (why they hell would you since it's core to the movie?) then I guess you will enjoy this.

Positive was acting, the idea of the plot, and execution otherwise, but I'd be lying if it didn't irk me to no end that these fundamentals were butchered.

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The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya

Shout by snowfall
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-27T22:04:11Z— updated 2022-02-04T00:50:17Z

OK, well I foolishly thought this was an independent movie with no show attached to it. SO I was lost through the whole thing. The result of not being familiar with any of the character meant I was completely detached and could really have cared less about them. So basically, don't watch this movie without watching the show.

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@swnndn it's explained well here btw:

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@swnndn the word "paradox" was mentioned in the movie in relation to this

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Why the f*** is this getting 49% from 9 votes only when it's not even out yet. C'mon bitches, be real, the trailer is awesome.

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Doug Stanhope: Oslo - Burning the Bridge to Nowhere

But mostly what I took away from this show is ... blort!

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The Hunger Games

Koying describes it well. I wouldn't have liked it at ALL if I had not seen the books. I only enjoyed seeing how they decided to adopt it, and I didn't care for that. The cinematography consisted of a camera bouncing around a lot which most of the time was just annoying. They left out some rather important elements out of character development and didn't tie things together very well.

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