

Omicron Persei 8

The Witcher: 3x04 The Invitation

So many commenters threatened by one kiss. We spend seasons watching hetero's going at it, and one brief gay kiss makes them so uncomfortable.:rolling_eyes:

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@darksilver no one is threatened dude. it's just overdone. it's disproportionate. It doesn't need to be in EVERY show. and it's not just one kiss, it's a dynamic.

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The Witcher: 3x04 The Invitation

another tv show gone to shit because it has to be maladapted because of current shitty woke times. Thanks for nothing.

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@dandydev the thing is while gay people exist, it's overrepresented. and at what point in the past decade have they been marginalized? it's to the point where I literally avoid watching recent TV because it's ridiculous. Do you think this helps any cause? I don't need Geralt to be a womanizer either. For all I care, we're better off leaving sex off the script altogether.

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Squid Game: 1x07 VIPS

Up to this episode the entire production has been stellar!
But let’s talk about the casting of those VIPS...
Damn, it made me cringe every time they spoke. Poor writing, dialogue and awful acting (by the English speaking VIPS) really let the show down. Asian cinema always seems to taint their own brilliant actors by casting some D-grade foreign extras based in country. If it’s some legal issue with hiring actors outside their region, then they should sort all that out beforehand. Did Netflix even consult with the Korean team on these matters? It literally feels like they found some caucasian men on the street and offered them roles.

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@hsaakairo agreed. that was my thought too. Glad to have found someone who had the same impression.

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Westworld: 2x10 The Passenger

Make sure to watch after the credits.

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@nmahoney416 shit. I missed it. what happened?

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The Flash: 2x09 Running to Stand Still

Shout by Lucifer “The AntiChrist” Blackheart

So, the Trickster is just a Joker ripoff?? Same voice, personality, etc.

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@luciferblackheart same name ... almost. worst episode of the season so far

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The Flash: 2x09 Running to Stand Still

The acting of this show is so terrible that i cant decide which one is worse, this or arrow

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@ramadri well, anything is better if you're judging by this episode

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The X-Files: 10x03 Mulder & Scully Meet the Were-Monster

This was the worst episode ever.

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You're the worst episode ever! no sense of humor ... AT ALL

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