


My Life with the Walter Boys

I wish we could have this story without a love triangle

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Paper Girls

ahhhhh, i really enjoyed this, BUT THEY CANCELLED IT. Fucking hell.

Also kinda sick of old dudes calling every teenage girl character annoying every chance they get. Come on. You don't know shit, question yourself why you feel that way okay?

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The Uncanny Counter

This Drama is one of the best I've seen. I really enjoyed the dark themes explored in this and sometimes even shocked me, not because it was graphic but they wrote the viciousness of the demons and in general already evil people really well. You were also able to tell the different layers of moral, like the morally greyness of actual people which made the characters very believable. (:
The show made me really care about the characters, the protagonists as well as just the victims that show up for a short amount of time.

I cried multiple times watching this, laughing sometimes, a lot of anger, oh ya i really felt that anger...

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