C. Hagen Radick


Louisville, KY

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x01 The Ghost

Just a few thoughts/observations:

  1. While I don't mind the organization changes, and encourage the show shifting things around a bit to keep it fresh, the intentional obfuscation of the new director's identity seemed a bit heavy-handed. Although judging by 4x02's episode title, we'll meet him/her next week.

  2. I'm not familiar with this incarnation of the Ghost Rider (although I read a ton of the motorcyle-era versions), but the effects looked great for a TV show, and Gabriel Luna did a good job with his limited on-screen time.

  3. May is still a badass. I like how the Triad guys get infected/possessed, freak out, and kill each other, but Melinda is all "Huh... that's a bit unsettling."

  4. Honestly, my only complaint is how everyone is still fixated on Skye/Daisy/Tremors/Quake. I've found the character dull since the first episode, and they've made her entirely too overpowered at this point. I kind of wish she had gotten shot into the sun with Ward/Hive instead of Lincoln.

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From Entertainment Weekly:

ABC is pulling the plug on the Hayley Atwell-starring legal drama Conviction.
EW has learned the network will produce and air the 13 episodes initially ordered, but will not move forward with additional episodes. The sixth episode is scheduled to air Monday at 10 p.m., but it remains to be seen if the show will remain in its current time slot.

This isn't too surprising. The cases are mundane at best, and every character that isn't in the Morrison family has zero personality, to the point I can't even tell you the character's name.

Can we get Agent Carter back now?

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x20 Farewell, Cruel World!

Shout by C. Hagen Radick

This was a really good episode as a whole, but one thing bugged me when it happened and still boggles my mind:

So you're telling me that the father of HYDRA's Second-In-Command lives in a random suburb with no guards, no overhead drones, and no security system whatsoever? I know Jemma is smart and resourceful,
but there's no way someone on HYDRA's most wanted list should be able to just walk up to the front door (armed, no less) of one of HYDRA's elite and no one notices.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Season 5

Shout by C. Hagen Radick

Season 5A (5x01-5x10) thoughts: For a story with such a big, grandiose premise, I've had the most difficult time staying interested in this arc. I think I've narrowed it down to the following two reasons:

  1. This has been an issue with this series from the start. In order for the "world saving" storylines to hold any weight, the viewer has to suspend his/her knowledge that the MCU movie heroes exist. When the catastrophe occurred, how could the Avengers and/or Dr. Strange not notice this happening and do something about it?

  2. Ultimately, what was the point of sending the team into the future? Wouldn't it have made more sense to give them some video, visions, or whatever of what was to happen and let them prevent the catastrophe in the present? Why make them go through all of this? If the team does their job, then organizing a successful rebellion against the Kree isn't going to happen, so the entire struggle was completely meaningless and unnecessarily risked lives?

I'm beginning to wonder if the series is being considered for non-renewal so the writers want to go out on a bang.

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Lucifer: 1x06 Favorite Son

I was getting worried, especially after last week's episode, that the show was turning into "Castle" with Satan. Fortunately, they started dipping into the source material more in this episode.

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