


Yes, God, Yes

It's decent and Natalia Dyer does a good job in the lead role but it doesn't really have anything that makes it stand out. These kinds of coming-of-age stories exist in multitudes.
Imho this had too much "normalized sex" in it. If she was really brought up firmly catholic she would have behaved a lot more reluctantly in many of the scenes. Same goes for other people in the camp; eg. giving head in places where they can easily be spotted or the Father jacking-off without any precautions..?
Another big miss for me to have her "adult life-guidance scene" in lesbian bar... I'd assume a catholic camp in this period would be far away from a place like this, nor would there be such a big local scene... felt more like forced progressiveness.
Also the hairy arms on Wolfgang Novogratz... so unnaturally fake that I have no idea what the thought process was. Were they afraid it wouldn't show in the light?

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While this isn't necessarily showing it's budget early on with a decent "mythology" opener and goofs around social media BS it certainly deflates quickly into a generic done to death wanna be spooky movie. Disappointing.

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The Super

Not the worst movie ever but it's terribly bland... The only positive is that they decently hid the real "twist" by shoving in one that is way too obvious ;)...

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Grand Piano

It's not a bad movie per sé but it's premise is ridiculous and so are the events unfolding. If you can look past that you will be entertained but you shouldn't praise stupidity, really. John Cusack's advertised invovlement is not only unlucky for the movie but he is also a waste of their budget.

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So I put that one on my watchlist due to some interesting sounding reviews. I was a bit reluctant due to the very graphic stills avaiable but if it isn't "mean" ultraviolence I can deal with it. Anyways, this should have been a short film - at best. There isn't any plot here and it's even predictable at times when it doesn't play the artsy card. It's raison d'être seems only to be shocking (which it isn't). Having a (unrealisticly) decomposing woman calling a guy over only to want him to fuck her seems really dumb. Not even the special effects are that great which the editing and often out of focus camera doesn't add any value to. I can imagine that this was inspired by either some death metal cover art or Merzbow's Venereology which would explain the noisy inbetweens.

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In Fear

Shout by sp1ti

The first third of the movie has a great claustrophobic vibe in setting and direction but once the "story" progresses it gets too unrealistic to the point where I didn't really get the antagonists motivations or scope of his doings. Could have been great if only they went a different direction and left out some of the clichés.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Shout by sp1ti

I'm inclined to only give it a "meh". Feels like a movie I would have liked if I was a little kid. There were a bunch of characters that hardly had any lines and if they spoke they described their archetype, seriously? Marvel has a tendency to shoehorn in horrible dialogue for their "universe" but that was just especially low. And whatever the romance in this is supposed to be: not buying it^2.
The production values of the movie are high so it works as a popcorn movie but all the raving comments the movie had in advance had me hoping for a good movie.
(Baby Groot is one of the worst things I ever saw on screen btw.)

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Time of EVE: The Movie

Science-fiction authors (and the Japanese) have always been interested in relations between humans and androids. This movie looks at this in a great setup: Having a café with one simple rule; No discrimination between humans and robots. Inside, human looking androids are indistinguishable by appearance (they are forced to have indicators on their heads outside) and can act independently from their owners. Since I'm a sucker for the kinds of stories where the line between man and machine is blurred I enjoyed this a lot and I think it's a strong sci-fi movie even outside the medium of anime (if you're not just an action guy).
(FYI: The movie is an extended version of an OVA series by the same name.)

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Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel I. Presage Flower

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Just a small note to potential watchers: this is not the best place to start with Fate/stay night. You are looking at the adaptation of the visual novel's third route and at this point they assume you are familiar with the stories players and initial outline. That said: I think ufotable did a fantastic job with this. I struggled a bit when they did the fast-forward but after that it was quite the threat.

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The Houses October Built

Shout by sp1ti

Consider me slightly pissed at this movie... I wish I would have neglected for the "FROM THE PRODUCERS OF" blurp like I usually would but the internet PR never sleeps.
The premise of the movie is cool and timely but it is really freaking boring for like the whole run time. They don't do much other than search for the edgiest "haunt" all movie long while stopping by at like 8 of them. Half of them would already have been enough because I wouldn't even call the people here characters so little interaction/time they had with each other.
Once they seem to get to the "place" it throws away it's main idea and comes along with the most generic baddies around and pulls an anticlimactic shitty ending.
Just like many other found footage movies this one is extremely guilty of idiotic and illogical camera recordings. The main story points make hardly any sense and are a cheap plot device.
At least it wasn't that predictable and had a few OK scenes at the "haunts".

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Shout by sp1ti

You're better of watching Feast again than this one... if only I've gotten the memo that this was a made for TV flick produced by Drew Barrymore beforehand.
Terribly boring, uninteresting characters, insufficient acting and nothing new to add. Just some unknown beast that just happens to chill near a cabin DEEEEEEEP in the woods.

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anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day - The Movie

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As much as I like the series (despite it's somewhat cheesy conclusion) this is merely a cash grab. It doesn't work as a standalone movie but also adds too little to the story or the characters even. In addition the story-telling here is messy and jumps all over the place and just swirls around the impending ending we know from the show.

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Shout by sp1ti

That wasn't very interesting and kinda messy for just an hour. They should have actually developed something between the two instead of relying on a gimmick and wasting time with that (and the dumb storyline involving Ryuu).
Animation wise it's OK but the music wasn't really great and utilized awkwardly imho.

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The Act of Killing

A truely unique documentary. Not only does the director talk to some of the people responsible for mass murders of commies in Indonesia but he also enlists them in a project to make a movie about their experiences. They then go on and even mix together diffrent genres (musicals, ganster film, etc.) for their story. This gives it a rather surreal vibe but it underlines the thinking of the perpetrators. The way they openly - without regret - talk about their past actions is disturbing. Needless to say there is a climax to the movie and it's all captured with just the camera rolling. I now might also know how "sick to the stomach" sounds like. Well worth for some astonishing scenes and it only occasionally drags on.
As of now, there seem to be three different versions: a 115 minute cut for the festival release, a directors cut of 159 minutes (the one I watched and belive is really the real one (matches RT)) and another one that is unfinished and apperantly is shared in Indonesia (official screenings are not permitted there). The last one has some credits/scenes in it which were removed for the "proper" release for security reasons (many credits have been listed as anon).

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Borat Subsequent Moviefilm

This was a big miss as a sequel... as established early on in the movie the character of "Borat" is pretty much dead as he is part of pop culture now so he can't do the same stunts as before. To work around this issue we are instead introduced to his daughter who travels with him while Sacha is mostly going around in throw-away disguises akin to his recent "Who is America?" show (which was already plagued by similar issues). Unfortunately they did very little to help ground this in reality. Borat as a journalist had a reason to travel around and have a camera on where as in the sequel it feels quite unauthentic and often scripted. The "charm" Borat had is also mostly absent as he was mostly just in narritive driven scenes (making the Giuliani scene the "climax" AND releasing the movie with this deliberate timing only did it a big disservice imho). Did I chuckle in some scenes? Sure... but as a complete package it was just really disappointing and hollow.

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At this point "Dread Central presents" is code for really bad flicks for me (excluding international imports)... Yes, the creepy mute clown idea isn't bad (and would fit in with other iconic horror characters) but somehow this ended up way worse than the already weak anthology he spawned from. The script is absolute garbage. Nothing is made off the "Halloween" setting and you can really tell that they had no idea how to get to 90 minutes because not only is it full of dumb clichés but they also bring in characters when they need a quick kill. I was bored out of my mind before the the mid point and I can only stomach so many "UHHHH, I STABBED HIM ONCE, LEFT MY WEAPON THERE AND NOW I'LL CERTAINLY RUN TO SAFETY AND HE WILL TOTALLY NOT COME BACK" moments > lmao at the terrible wooden plank scene. There's a surprisingly gory kill in there but the rest cannot even shine there due to editing/FX.

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47 Ronin

Shout by sp1ti

I was looking forward to this but it looks like a CGI ogry. Given that the studio took control over the project I'm not expecting anything great...

If you want to watch something closer to the actual story of the 47 Ronins (which doesn't include ghosts or other monsters) you're better of with these:

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Dark Touch

Shout by sp1ti

From what I've seen this one didn't get that many positive reviews. I for one enjoyed myself. Maybe because I'm OK with the lack of resolve for the drama at the end.
The movie takes on a serious issue and puts the Carrie spin on it. I was very pleased with the color design (esp. early in the movie) which helped making it look not quite so generic. The direction was fine and the acting from the lead girl aswell. As for the adults.. let's just say that it felt a bit forced and akward from time to time. The main issue for me was the ending. The role reversal came out of nowhere and the results of it were quite dumb. With all the foreshadowing they could have gone for a proper ending instead of biting trough everything again.
All there is left for me to say is: best birthday party, ever! (and why would you dedicate this movie to "Grany" :O)??

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Berserk: The Golden Age Arc III - The Advent

Shout by sp1ti

I guess it was alright? The third movie in the series improved on the CGI which is great but it still had many scenes where it felt like three different art styles thrown together in bad taste... The "Berserk Saga" Project seems game so I'll be looking forward for more of these. If they wouldn't have greenlit these movies it would all have been rather pointless. They didn't really improve on the first adaptation so at least getting some new stuff animated will be cool. Not recommended if you have not read the manga and want to experience "Berserk". There is too much back story missing for it to make an impact so these are more fan-service (unless you're just looking for some violence).

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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Shout by sp1ti

Honestly the best thing they probably did with this is having two different cuts...
None of the rooms in the sequel felt particularly exciting with the beach one being especially terrible and the solutions were not very rewarding either (constantly running after single clues as a group or solving things randomly).
I saw people mentioning a better ensemble cast but honestly it was all very stiff and Zoey became ultimately annoying with her Mary Sue stick.
The backstory also didn't really make sense to me alongside a lot of contrived elements in the movie... I hope the next part puts more effort into the rooms/puzzles again.
Also did I miss something? Like... just... go under the taxi girls? Or how about you enter the code to get out of your own game? And if you forgot - the solution is still on the glass you know? :rolling_eyes:

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Not sure if I would have liked it more or less if I didn't know who was attached to this. A tech-possession movie sounded really cool but the "mind-space" idea was underused and felt detached which can be said about a lot of stuff in the movie. It has little time for genuine interactions between characters and instead prefers to fill the dialogue with info dumps "let me show you what I have in the garage" :face_with_raised_eyebrow:), tension and horror are pretty much absent (they had every excuse to blend realities here) and the final third just poked holes in any of the remaining logic the lore (and story) might have had...

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I was reluctant to see this because of superpowers but did anyway... While I'm very aware of it's positive reception I don't really share that sentiment. It starts out somewhat OK but certainly works around it's budget in quite early on. Where it probably went really wrong for me is the reception of the little main girl as she struck me as an ungrateful little brat and had that annoying stare all the time. As the story went along it felt like TV tier clichés thrown together the ice cream truck was esp. cringe and it jumped all over the place from her being the key for liberation of the "Freaks" to just saving mommy. Thank god she is a Mary Sue so all works out fine and got daddy killed to get her mommy instead...

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#metoo statement the 23098th edition (and yeah - the crew was obviously all female for this :~)...

I don't think this particular entry was very engaging and an even bigger letdown from the horror perspective but the extended twist while silly has at least some interesting implications as to how his behavior changes (even though he never really confesses to anything particular). Also a very odd decision to showcase that bulge cup so prominently in shots but maybe that was part of the message IDK.

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Starts out really baller but cannot really keep it up. Still not bad (esp. considering how cheap the poster looks).

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Tonight She Comes

Shout by sp1ti

This movie is quite a whacky supernatural slasher with some great moments but is ultimately held back by brain-meltingly dumb dialogue and character interactions which certainly are not the result of self-awareness.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable – Chapter 1

Shout by sp1ti

This will premiere in Switzerland on the 2nd of July and I ain't even mad about it <3.

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Shout by sp1ti

I pretty much agree with @faithful. The movie has some competent scenes and tries to subvert certain tropes but it's far from perfect.
The main selling point is that the victim is deaf and as such is vulnerable to his shenanigans but it wasn't utilized to the extend I'd wanted - be it technical or plot wise. I have to give props to Kate Siegel though as her acting was on point.
I could rate this movie a 3 or a 4 as it is riddled with unbelievable events (and the key competent was too obvious) but neglecting that I was still entertained.
Hopefully Netflix grabs horror movies more often now so they're quicker out of the festival runs :).

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Kizumonogatari Part 1: Tekketsu

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Of course this had to be three parts... so we get the last one in 2017 or something :I?

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German Angst

Shout by sp1ti

I'm phased how neutral or even positive some review for this are. Buttgereit's segment is probably the best (by whatever standards), Kosakowski as the producer does a whacky and annoyingly German and English mixed political piece and Marschall does a Lovecraftian story as boring as he can. All three are certainly violent in parts but not really doing anything new.

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