Speed Demon



The Tourist: Season 1

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-06-02T03:46:28Z— updated 2024-06-03T16:39:48Z

Started well but lost its way and had some really stupid bits. Lots of inconsistencies as it went on.

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Renovation, Inc: Season 4

What happens when you have waay too much money but want to build a house? You make a TV show about your build and write a bunch of it off.

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Sugar: Season 1

Great show... episodes are only around 35 minutes long, but lots of stuffed jammed into each episode. Was a little confusing for the first couple of episodes and then it became clearer as it progressed till the end of episode 6 when it all made sense. Nicely done!

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Alone: Season 10

Well not much happened... no fear from any predators and the cold snap didn't happen till the end, but when it did arrive - it was a huge drop overnight.
In the meantime we had to endure Mickey banging on and on and on about his kid. Not one scene that he filmed didn't reference or talk directly to his son... and it was the same crap over and over again! The last time I heard this much whining was when Mariah Carey was on the radio. The editor are 100% to blame for this, we didn't have to suffer this guy if it wasn't for them. I fast forwarded every time he came on.

Worthy last 2 survivors.. heartbreak for the runner up.
Not the best season by any stretch of the imagination.


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Alone Australia: Season 2

Oh hell no!!! Season one was as exciting as a picnic in a graveyard. Ain't no way I'm watching a season 2!!!

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Alone: Season 8

Another great season... any of the final 4 were worthy of the win, but the final 2 had just that bit extra. Worthy winner.

been binging this series since someone recommended it on Netflix (only season 6 there). Two more seasons and then I'm on to the Ozzy and UK versions... Very addictive series.


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Halo: Season 2

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-03-22T13:05:34Z— updated 2024-03-23T14:11:49Z

Went on YouTube to get a recap of season one since they didn't bother providing one at the beginning of the first episode - I HATE it when they don't do that. Anyway... there was a ton of stuff to remember and on to episode one - this was the best they could do?

It got better in episodes 2- 4... sort of. The action was always good (sound too if you're listening in Atmos), but there is the odd scene where things could have been shortened/eliminated.

Episode 5 was long and dragged out - could have been edited to 1/2 the time and no one would have missed anything.

Really re-thinking whether I'll continue watching past episode 5 ... I have zero interest in any of the characters - if they live or die, I just don't care. Superstar 'John' is all weepy and not as hard as nails as a robot-type person should be. He lost his suit - boo-hoo he can't go on living to kill. Any war-machine, robot without feeling that risks their own life to go back to the enemy to 'rescue' a dead guy makes no sense at all.

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Alone: Season 7

Best Season yet!!
Worthy winner and the runners up's were equally courageous.

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Survivor: Season 46

Season 46: The Crying season... why is everyone crying?
Oh yeah, it's 2023/2024.
Next season - Instead of immunity, contestants get to search for Safe Spaces.

Better than 1/2 of the air time in the first 4 episodes is focusing on just one guy!! After being voted out, maybe we'll now find out if there are others competing in this year event.

BTW - remember on years gone by we'd get several babes with bodies.. now we just get mutts with butts. Have they used up all the attractive women in America already?

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The Traitors NZ: Season 1

Good version of The Traitor.
Not sure if I like the host or not - he's playing a part, but is he trying to be cold-hearted or just a bad actor?
Great ending.

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Australian Survivor: Season 11

Possibly the best Australian Survivor season ever...

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Alone: Season 5

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-03-07T14:02:24Z— updated 2024-03-10T15:18:03Z

Best season yet (not including season 6).

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The Traitors: Season 2

This was the best season by far over all of the different Traitors I've watched.
I've watched 2 seasons US, Australia and one Canada (the worst by far)

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Formula 1: Drive to Survive: Season 6

Another great season... this series actually got me to return to Formula One after many years not watching it.

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The Traitors: Season 2

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-02-20T21:46:44Z— updated 2024-02-25T15:24:37Z

Who thought it was a good idea to bring a bunch of childish reality TV stars into this game?

There's more Botox and fake boobs on display than all the Playboy magazines combined. They don't need flotation devices they ARE flotation devices. Flap your lips and you become a speed boat!

New challenges are good so far... but i just don't understand a world Champion boxer crying hi eyes out like a little girl after voting out 2 Faithful's!! Grow a pair of balls!!! It's only a game.

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Alone: Season 2

Better than season one.
Can't believe the guy that actually won it... thought he would have killed himself before the half-way point he was so accident prone!

On to season 3...

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The Traitors: Season 2

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-02-11T16:34:30Z— updated 2024-02-13T14:08:58Z

3 episodes in... not really liking more than one or 2 people, the rest are annoying and can't wait to see their demise..

Traitors versus Fools would sum this season up completely.
The faithful go out of their way to make stupid decisions every banishment!

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Alone: Season 1

Watched season 6 on Netflix (the only season they have) and got hooked on Alone.
Had I watched this season first I would have just stopped watching entirely. The first 3 or 4 episodes are great and nothing really happens until the final 2 episodes. The rest is just a plodding along boring episodes where very little actually happens.

I think the location was a big factor... it was a crap location for just about all of them. Not fair that some of them had bears and cougars harassing them while others had none.

The winner was a worthy winner.

On to season 2 now....

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Inside No. 9: Season 7

Shout by Speed Demon
BlockedParent2024-02-07T17:22:15Z— updated 2024-02-14T14:58:56Z

Mostly drama and very few funny bits, no LOL moments.
Gave up entirely at episode 3.
Thanks for the past guys... but I'm done.


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True Detective: Season 4

This season is excruciatingly painful to watch. I just want to kill myself by the end of each episode. Three episodes and I'm done.

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The Traitors: Season 1

Wasn't sure about this.. even the first episode was a bit... hmm don't know.... and then the ending happened and then we watched the second episode and now we're entirely hooked!!!


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The Traitors: Season 1

Wasn't sure about this.. even the first episode was a bit... hmm don't know.... and then the ending happened and then we watched the second episode and now we're entirely hooked!!!


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Inside No. 9: Season 4

Another great season. Episode 1 and 3 are the best... very clever the way they were written.
2 and 6 are also very good.

8.5/10 for the season

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Inside No. 9: Season 5

Season 5 is more drama than comedy... probably the weakest season to date. Looking forward to more next season though.

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Inside No. 9: Season 2

Episode 1 - 9/10
Episode 2 - 6/10

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Inside No. 9: Season 1

Episodes 2 and 3 are 10/10 -both are very ingeniously thought out
Episode 6 was weird and not worth watching

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James May: Our Man In…: Season 3

Another terrific travel show from James May

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Slow Horses: Season 3

This show just keeps getting better and better.
Bumping it from 9/10 to 10/10 for season 3

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Vigil: Season 2

Not a good as season one and a lot of that can be summed up like this: There's a conspiracy and 1/2 the show is about that and the other 1/2 is about gay love (included also in the conspiracy part too). Yes you're having a baby, but every scene doesn't have to be about the baby!

So some stuff happens and it's interesting but not too interesting so it's just a shadow of season 1.

I want her phone.. she spend at least a week using it constantly, but never had to stop and charge it up!!! Oddly enough she wore the same clothes the whole time and never bothered to clean up, so she must have been stinking by the end.

I was going to give it a 6/10 but that's too generous. 4.5 it is

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The Crown: Season 6

They've really nailed it on the actors portraying the characters. Got everything including mannerisms right...
Still can't get over the actor playing Elizabeth looking more like Paddington Bear than Liz and the queen mum like a homeless woman that just wandered into the scene.

The episode where Diana dies was superb in every way. 10/10

Overall this season 9.5/10

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