
1 follower

Sydney, New South Wales

Tall Girl

If you take away the height subplot there's nothing really new or different about this movie. It's your standard "awkward Girl has a crush on a popular boy who lies and she has a good male friend who has a crush on her plus the mean girl who likes the male crush is being mean for reasons and then stuff at prom happens and Girl changes and is only then finally happy with herself" teen rom-com. Bleh.

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Level 16

Not bad, was interesting to watch and the acting was pretty good, but the story has a number of plot holes.

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Shotgun Wedding

Disappointing. The actors were fine, the movie was just terrible. I found myself getting bored part way through and struggled to watch it to the end.

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The Royal Hotel
Abducted on Prom Night

Well. It wasn't terrible. But thats the only good thing I think I can say about it. If you read the premise above in the title card, it's not quite that. There was never really any "cat and mouse" - no one really put any effort into finding the teens, just like the teens didn't put any effort into escaping. So many opportunities, so few escape plans. I think the main issue I have with it, is there was no tension. Even when someone did make an effort to escape you weren't thinking of how dangerous it was and how they might be killed, because you never really felt like those kids were actually in any danger. It was very PG. Its worth a watch if you just want something to put on in the background thats light and not scar, where you don't have to pay attention to it.

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Life After Beth

Urgh. I wanted to like this, but it was terrible almost right from the start. Around the 1hr mark I was thinking it must be getting close to the end, only to check and find out it still had 30m to go. The whole thing comes off as a parody, like something you would see as a sketch on a comedy show. Overacted and exaggerated. And while it is supposed to be a comedy, it isn't meant to be a parody as far as I know. Even Aubry Plaza, who is usually excellent in most things, put on a very silly act for this.

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The Requin

I didn't think this was as terrible as other commenters said, but it wasn't amazing either. It was just your typical "someone gets lost at sea and is attacked by sharks" movie.

It had all the standard tropes these kind of movies have. Disaster strikes, trying to survive without drinkable water, dumb mistakes, blood in the water attracting sharks, multiple shark attacks, getting help only to make more dumb mistakes so the help isn't successful, fighting sharks etc. I think despsite the shark attacks, it was less of a shark attack movie and more of a survival movie imo.

I also think it tried to be something, with the early part of the story about what happened in the bathtub, but it didn't really deliver on that which was a shame.

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The Princess

This was a pleasant surprise, a very underrated movie. I watched it on a whim not expecting much and ended up really enjoying it.

There is very little plot outside the "Princess being forced to marry the Evil Prince" trope. But where this movies subverts the trope is that the Princess rescues herself (with a little help from her trainer, Linh.) There is no love interest or knight in shining armour waiting in the wings to ride in and save the day which was so, so refreshing.

The majority of the movie is filled with scene upon scene of well choreographed fight scenes as The Princess escapes from the tower and makes her way to save her family. And while yes, some of the fight scenes were totally unbelievable, they were still very well done and the entire movie was action packed, and it held my attention from the start to end.

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Cheaper by the Dozen
Dog Gone

It was fine. Extremely cheesy though. Like, everyone in this movie is super passionate about finding this dog. Everyone. Even the parent who didn't want the dog because of her previous traumatic experience with her dog being taken away (which is shown in a series of dramatic flashbacks). Even people in other states want to find this dog. Everyone. Im convinced that even Cruella de Ville, if she heard about this lost dog, would don her coat made of dog fur, and be out in the woods leading the search for this dog (and not for nefarious reasons.)

Also something I couldn't understand and perhaps this comes from not being in the US but the kid had the dog at college, and I wouldn't have thought people could take their pets on campus?

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The Rental

Mediocre and not at all original. You've probably seen this movie a dozen times before and those dozen other movies did it better. It had a great cast so this should have been a winner, but instead it was flat and boring and really would have been better as an episode in an anthology series.

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Like a Boss

This movie has been made numerous times before. Best friends have a falling out over something and then the power of friendship wins over adversity blah blah blah. The movie had a great cast and so should have been good even with a reused plot, but it was fairly average and boring. There was nothing that stood out as memorable or different. It seemed to consist mostly of slap stick moments of stupidity and women selling each other out/insulting each other along with tired sex jokes. There are much better movies to spend 90 minutes watching.

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I'm usually up for a good holiday romance, but about halfway through this I looked at the timestamp and said "omg, is this only halfway through???" and then decided there were probably better movies I could be watching and watched one of those instead.

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Prom Night

If you're going to watch this for the 80s aesthetic then you're going to be disappointed. It must have been filmed in 1979 and then released in 1980. It's very much a 70s movie. Disco music, electric lights, glitter dresses, bob haircuts. The dance floor at the prom looks like the one from Saturday Night Fever, all lit up.

Style aside, it wasn't a terrible movie but it wasn't great either. Just your typical slasher.

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Did not finish.

It started off great but then devolved into paedophile jokes and dolphin penis.

Don't waste your time with this one.

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Lost Girls

It was fine. Based on a true crime case. If you're looking for a gritty mystery where everything is solved, this isn't it. This was more focused on making a point about how women are ignored, dismissed, not believed etc when they report a crime or are victims of one. It starts with the police not really invested in finding the missing woman because she was a sex worker. It continues with them dismissing the mother who wants to find her child. It's a fine retelling of the case and the acting was good, but it didn't leave me emotionally invested in any of the characters and felt a little like a midday movie at times.

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