Stefani Kurutz


Omicron Persei 8

Tell Me Your Secrets: 1x10 The Dead Come Back

One thing that really bugged me was the ‘snow’ scene. (Yes there were some brief moments of this scene previously in the show.) And each time I saw it I kept thinking it was so obviously NOT snow. Maybe I’m being overly critical but I feel like that was a budget issue or maybe they were trying to save money….just felt like a serious cop out when the rest of the show was done pretty well. (FYI: I am from a location that has snow up to 6 months or more out of the year, so again, I could be overly critical because of that but it sincerely looked like powered sugar or something.) It wasn’t even something that melted or was wet! It left powdery residue on clothing and just looked SO fake! That scene alone made me take a star off my rating.

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