

Tel Aviv

Manifest: Season 3

My god (pun not intended) that got shoehorned in so badly. If I wanted bad fanfic about Christianity, I'd get on AO3. They took a relatively good concept, but it seems to me that they wrote themselves into a corner they couldn't escape via other means than a perpetual deus ex machina.

Unfortunately the worsened writing is not being redeemed by good acting, pleasant soundtrack or captivating sub plot arcs. If you want to watch it, don't continue reading.

The characters have gotten hit on the head way too many times during the past few seasons and their IQ loss is noticeable and painful to watch. Their intelligence is not the only thing that has been impacted though, they have increasingly terrible emotional and exocrine system. The main characters are constantly stupid, overly emotional and wet (I wish I were kidding about the last part).

All that is followed by reoccuring characters (who weren't passengers) repeatedly witnessing miracles and still not believing what's going on, thus becoming hindrances at the most ridiculous and idiotic moments. Exacerbated by the absolute inability to communicate properly, my F*****G god. The overuse of certain tropes makes them intolerable, especially when accompanied by the noticeably repetitive and b***h-a*s plot-spoiling soundtrack. All that unfortunately makes most sub-plot much more worse than what you can find in amateur-written fiction.

If you want a sci-fi about some bigger coordinated plan then Travellers is much better, if you want time-travel there's an even bigger selection, if you want mystery Lost is there. This... is not worth it.

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@fdcba spot on review, brother Adrian (facepalm)

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For All Mankind: Season 2

Season 1 was tolerable, but season 2 is boring and mind-numbing. Got to the first 15 minutes of episode 3 and couldn't take it anymore. Goodbye.

This show started with promise - the Russians getting to the moon before the Americans, but they're now changing history. Reagan president in 1976?! Margret Thatcher also PM in 76?! Emails and colour monitors in the late 70's. Please.

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@speeddemon man looks like u missed a big chunk of setup and because if that everything looked that weird for you. It's actually built very nicely. Recommend you clear your slate and watch S2 again, it's good.

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The Big Bang Theory: Season 10

TBBT is like a gum the was chewed too much, and has already lost it flavour. You keep chewing it just because it's still in your mouth.
Well, you should spit it out and just be over with it.

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@bosssmash4 u know I actually agree with you. I just now binged it again after not watching it since it was released, and it's pretty sweet. I believe I felt this way back then because having waited a week for an episode, and episodes in this season aren't heavy with content and repetitive, I felt disappointed. But with binging it's not relevant:)

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