

Tel Aviv

Family Guy: 16x06 The D in Apartment 23

Great one. So sad, so true. I like that the next episode continues this one! :D

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Silicon Valley: 3x06 Bachmanity Insanity

"Russ was right. This guy fucks".
Haaaa !!

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Narcos: 2x03 Our Man in Madrid

Outstanding episode. Carillo finally brings a great opponent to all-powerful Pablo.

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Silicon Valley: 3x05 The Empty Chair

I actually laughed from Richard's clumsiness and somewhat predictable goofy choices. This episode was really good for the team.

Great mid-season ep. Hope they'll continue this line.
Loved it, highly recommended.

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Billions: 1x08 Boasts and Rails

Great episode! They're all such manipulators .. amazing

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Family Guy: 16x07 Petey IV

Great ep. loved the "previously on Family Guy" gag and many excellent jokes and cutaways . Loved it!

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Homeland: 7x12 Paean To The People

Amazing Finale!!!!! Homeland is the only series that just gets better over time...
#StandWithCarrie the new Jack Bauer..

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South Park: 21x09 SUPER HARD PCness

My Point of View is that Kyle doesn't like T&P anymore because they have victims that they're using the get laughs. I think its like that new wave of criticism of old shows - mostly Friends. they are getting ripped off now.
They made T&C to look so old just to show that difference in time - now Millennials are ripping off Friends, which was "so long ago" that they're old, but not really that long ago.

And take the actual FEAR of having inner-work relationship, which actually dominates modern work places -

That's definitely some hard core PC.
Loved it.

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Family Guy: 16x17 Switch the Flip

So many great and to the point gags!!
And I love it when they make fun of dogs xD

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Family Guy: 18x06 Peter & Lois' Wedding

Hands down one of the best pieces of TV I've seen in so long. I couldn't stop laughing. I can't remember the last time I laughed from this show. Amazing references, and have the twin towers in background of every scene - superb.
Cleaveland has a White Bronco... Amazing.

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Homeland: 7x11 All In

Amazing ep!!!!! Homeland is the only series that just gets better over time...

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

overall impression: bullshit hollywood movie (i.e same crap like marvel, DC).

but hands down, beautifully done BS.

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Dexter: 4x12 The Getaway

I must say. I watched the series when it first came out, and watched it again right now. Through the entire season and this episode, I kept hoping that maybe I didn't remember the ending, and hoped what I remembered didn't happen. I dreaded reaching this episode. Simply horrifying ending.

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Dexter: 4x11 Hello, Dexter Morgan

I loved it that he could just stroll on inside the station and department, seeing everything and everyone :) great security there!

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Homeland: 6x10 The Flag House

So this season started kind'a stale, but now I see that was on purpose.
This episode just blew us away with it's intensity and emotional stress.

I got no more fingernails left for the next 2 final episodes! :E

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The Orville: 2x13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

I enjoyed this so much! and man- she - is - hooottt...

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The Walking Dead: 4x08 Too Far Gone

I rated this episode 10/10 coz it actually made me angry and upset. For a change, I wasn't indifference about what I was watching. I'm actually feel so sorry for the characters of the show.

I don't think I ever hated a TV villain so much as in this case.

We'll now see where it goes from here..

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

That episode is built like a play on stage, very dark, deep and intense play. You'll see the screen come up, and down again.
Eventually, it's the most beautiful, emotional and intense episode of the entire series until now.
Simply astonishing.
It's actually a spoiler to know it's so great before starting the episode. I had to pause in the middle to think about how amazing it is.

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Breaking Bad: 5x13 To'hajiilee

i cant stand watching this ep.. simply nerve wrecking. we just know things will go from worst to hell.

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Breaking Bad: 5x16 Felina

the saddest episode of anything ever. Amazing even in the 2nd and 3rd time.

when they showed Jesse crafting his beloved wooden box in the dreamy light i actually teared up.

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Breaking Bad: 5x14 Ozymandias

this is the worst feeling episode of tv ever. I'm so disturbed and depressed after watching this. simply horrible.

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