

Tel Aviv

The Fall: 3x06 Episode Six

For a season finale its a big MEH for a MEH season..

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The Orville: 2x08 Identity (1)

Great episode. Good buildup, and exciting conclusion. Someone here compared it to a famous Star Trek TNG episode - I agree (No spoilers).


- Hey captain, are you sure we should leave the door open? its a hostile world, they might come in and steal our TV !
- No no, leave it open. Lets get some air here. Too many farts!
Boy casually walks outside for a stroll, door pass = 1234.

2 Super smart robots don't see him.

[/joke] haha ! :D

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The Orville: 2x13 Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

I enjoyed this so much! and man- she - is - hooottt...

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Game of Thrones: 8x03 The Long Night

overall impression: bullshit hollywood movie (i.e same crap like marvel, DC).

but hands down, beautifully done BS.

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The Big Bang Theory: 12x19 The Inspiration Deprivation

Raj arrives with scooter, beeping happily. Sees wife, runs away.

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Game of Thrones: 8x06 The Iron Throne

Oh how much I miss Geoffrey!!

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American Dad!: 6x13 Return of the Bling

haha.. Roger as LOTR's Gollum is the thing. thumbs up here!

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Another Life: 1x01 Across the Universe

I really wanted this to be good.
But once you see a bunch of teenagers sent to save humanity, and their most important subject to talk about is blogging, you start wondering if it's a joke or you simply misunderstood something.
But then the final moment if the episode comes, and you understand - it's not a joke. It's simply SO BAD.

I really wanted this, but I can't have it. Sorry Katey, they made you wrong.

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Mr. Robot: 4x07 407 Proxy Authentication Required

That episode is built like a play on stage, very dark, deep and intense play. You'll see the screen come up, and down again.
Eventually, it's the most beautiful, emotional and intense episode of the entire series until now.
Simply astonishing.
It's actually a spoiler to know it's so great before starting the episode. I had to pause in the middle to think about how amazing it is.

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Better Call Saul: 5x10 Something Unforgivable

I don't know but this finale doesn't feel to me that it justifies waiting another year for the next season.
Feels like a normal episode end.
What a bummer.

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Into the Night: 1x03 Mathieu

This is somewhat like The Walking Dead but in an airplane. It's ok, but honestly I'm still watching it coz I want to see how it ends

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The Expanse: 4x05 Oppressor

Ending music theme kinda reminded me of The Dark Knight theme

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Into the Night: 1x06 Terenzio

I'm sorry but Terenzio should have seen Saw 1 to understand what is determination.

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Rick and Morty: 4x01 Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat

What does it say that I didn't find this episode very interesting?

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Silicon Valley: 6x04 Maximizing Alphaness

This ep was super weird even more than usual. What did it lead to?
Oh dear for our beloved Donald 1.

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Silicon Valley: 6x05 Tethics

10 score for Mad Russ Fury Road!! Hell yeah immortan Russ !
Lol fkn Gavin Belson. Amazing.

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Married... with Children: 3x13 A Three Job, No Income Family

Our dearest Kelly, so beautiful. . . .

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Family Guy: 18x06 Peter & Lois' Wedding

Hands down one of the best pieces of TV I've seen in so long. I couldn't stop laughing. I can't remember the last time I laughed from this show. Amazing references, and have the twin towers in background of every scene - superb.
Cleaveland has a White Bronco... Amazing.

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American Dad!: 16x11 An Irish Goodbye

Absolutely terrible episode. I had to stop before the end, simply couldn't bear it.

This show is not good.

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American Dad!: 16x12 Stompe Le Monde

Very bad. I think that's it for me and this show.

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Westworld: 3x02 The Winter Line

Honestly I really don't know anymore if it's good or just too over-done?? Buh I don't think I enjoy this show

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Away: 1x04 Excellent Chariots

Great ep
check out minute 35:35 - PT really did a great great job!! xD lol

ah crap it's a mirror

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Paradise PD: 1x01 Welcome to Paradise

Was too unfunny and uninteresting, couldn't bare to finish watching the first episode

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Criminal Minds: 3x14 Damaged

So he obsessed about this crime no less than 20 years and eventually solved it easily within 2-3 days , in 1 episode?
O. K.

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Criminal Minds: 4x08 Masterpiece

With no less than Jason Alexander baby !! Hahaha

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Criminal Minds: 5x18 The Fight

So they have so very little time but still! We have plenty of time to finish our nice boxing match, and then take a nice shower, out on nice clothes, go to a bar, and now finally we can review the case peacefully xD

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Family Guy: 19x07 Wild Wild West

Hehe Sam Elliott playing his character from The Ranch . Nice

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Dexter: 4x12 The Getaway

I must say. I watched the series when it first came out, and watched it again right now. Through the entire season and this episode, I kept hoping that maybe I didn't remember the ending, and hoped what I remembered didn't happen. I dreaded reaching this episode. Simply horrifying ending.

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Dexter: 4x11 Hello, Dexter Morgan

I loved it that he could just stroll on inside the station and department, seeing everything and everyone :) great security there!

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Station Eleven: 1x02 A Hawk from a Handsaw

Boy how this episode is a test of faith and will. Pushing through it requires discipline and strength. I'm doing it just because all the reviews says it pays off but phew isn't it something..

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