



I honestly thought that after all the good critiques I heard about this movie that it would be a really good late night watch, but after watching it, I wasn't so impressed. It's got the feel of a classic horror, but its too boring for my taste. Not to mention, the film is not even in the least bit horrifying.

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Kick-Ass 2

Just went out to go see this tonight at my local theater and fucking loved the hell out of it. It was the perfect amount of action, romance, and everything combined and not one second of it was not entertaining.

The fight scenes were absolutely kick-ass and brilliantly violent. Not one character or scene disappointed me. This movie is a MUST watch and I would definitely recommend seeing it in theaters while you still can!

Also, don't forget to stay after the credits because there's a small bonus scene just for your viewing pleasure!

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The Wolverine

Just came back from one of the night showings of this movie only a few hours ago...

I've always been a huge fan of the X-Men, and an even bigger fan of the Wolverine separately. I was delighted to see that this movie definitely lived up to my expectations. It was exciting, action packed, an overall fun experience to watch and, of course, Hugh Jackman plays a fantastic Wolverine.

There is also a really neat spoiler after the credits hinting to a new X-Men movie. It definitely made it worthwhile to go see in theater.

I'd recommend that anyone goes to see it, especially those of you who are huge Marvel (or X-Men) fans. Its brilliant!

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