Brando Calrissian

1 follower

Salt Lake City, UT

My Hero Academia: Season 6

After a disappointing Season 5, Season 6 opens with a bang and then is consistently good right up to the last few episodes. There are so many awesome hype moments, great emotional beats, and great triumphs in character growth. This season definitely helped me remember why I love this show and why I've stuck with it for so long. I just hope that they can keep it going, full steam ahead, just like this one. Season 6 stands in my top 3 favorites for this show, and is absolutely not to be missed.

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Mob Psycho 100: Season 3

A really great 3rd season, focuses pretty heavily on solid character growth and progression through a couple narrative arcs. There are some excellent fight sequences as well, making for an anime that feels like a slice of life from moment to moment, glued together with action and suspense. Really solid.

Watched through it in the span of a day, so I guess it kept me pretty hooked. But I dunno! It's great, and has standout moments, but for me it failed to reach my admiration for the first season (the second season also failed in this regard). I think I preferred this season over the second season but there's just something about that first season that still to this day continues to wow me. I looked for that wow factor, and again I didn't quite find it. But it certainly came close.

It's definitely a must watch if you've seen the previous seasons, and if you're new to Mob Psycho (or even anime) I highly recommend the show, and certainly suggest starting from the first season.

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The Traitors: Season 1

Fun enough of a watch if you just need something on in the background while you do something else. Episodes run a bit too long, the soundtrack goes way too hard, some of the contestants are the most annoying people I've ever watched, and the finale... well let's just say it's as disappointing as 1+1+1=4. But like I said, it's entertaining enough as background entertainment, and they distracted me enough at times to warrant my full attention.

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My Hero Academia: Season 5

Probably the weakest season of MHA. I think that for a few reasons. I am mainly attracted to this show for the hype moments. Characters "breaking" their limits. Yelling loudly while destroying villains or themselves. It's a good time. The slow character progression in the students and villains is a bonus. But this season barely had any hype moments. There's a couple of breakthroughs for the plot - like Black Whip and the evolution of the league of villains - but the filler in-between is so boring that it felt like a chore to get through. It's not offensively bad but it's such a step in a different direction that I am pretty disappointed. I hope next season picks up and is a lot more interesting from moment to moment. And they better have cooler hype moments.

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