Niall Smyth


Omicron Persei 8

Reacher: 2x02 What Happens in Atlantic City

Reply by Niall Smyth

Yeah.... Well... Captain obvious here! O'Donnell is in on it for sure!

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Are you sure about that?

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The Time Traveler's Wife

Reply by Niall Smyth

Calling it a romance is almost misleading. I guess it is romantic to the right person.

Because honestly, this whole thing just seems like a pedophile fantasy. Feels pretty gross.

Oooh no it's all predestined. 28-42 year old me, who's already married to this girl is gonna time travel to the time and place where she is 7, I have no choice or control over it. Better get to the grooming so that I can fulfill the self fulfilling prophecy marriage. Because whatever I do I can't change it. Oh and every time I time travel I'm naked too sorry.

All the arguments I've heard defending it like "he doesn't have a choice" etc. Is right up there with the anime "1000 year old god in a 10 year old body" excuse.

I know it's adapted from the book. I haven't read it, and I don't know if they presented this whole thing as a romance or a tragedy( I guess that would improve things?) but as of now the only conclusion here is that all of it was a conscious choice. They could have made it at least relatively normal, instead of repeatedly having a grown naked man meet a child, who becomes increasingly horny for him with every interaction.

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"this whole thing just seems like a pedophile fantasy. Feels pretty gross" - Man who watched the whole show

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Breaking Bad: 2x03 Bit by a Dead Bee

Shout by Deleted

80 | Correct me if I'm wrong but I think there was a plot hole in this episode, that also related to previous episode. As far I remembered in Salamanca's house when Tuco check on Walt's wallet, didn't he never given it back to Walt? The wallet still on the table, so afterward when DEA/police investigated Salamanca's house, they should find Walt's ID. That's detail is too crucial to be ignored.

Rating: 79.15

25%: 2.4
50%: 2.5
75%: 2.5
100%: 2.1

Favorite Character

  1. Walter White: 2.5
  2. Jesse Pinkman: 2.4
  3. Tio Salamanca: 2.3
  4. Hank Schrader: 2.2
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@korneliushardaw-deleted-1648833660 No, Tuco threw their items back to them across the table once he was done looking at them, in that same scene.

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Midnight Mass

Shout by Magenof

Decent show but should we assume they live in a world without vampire movies and stories? You see that thing and think Angel?!

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@magenof Yes. Much like how no one in The Walking Dead ever says the word "zombie", these people have never heard of vampires. To be fair, it started with a senile old man who didn't know who he was or where he was, who suddenly found himself restored to youth and sound mind... it's not surprising that he saw that as a gift, and then wanted to make it fit with the beliefs he'd held his whole life.

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Review by Serggyo Alejandro
BlockedParentSpoilers2014-12-27T17:32:52Z— updated 2022-10-21T17:11:28Z

Everyone keeps suggesting there is a paradox concerning the 5D future humans and their ability to save humanity in the past. It's really not a paradox at all. Everyone assumes humanity survived to ascend to the 5th dimension but how could humanity exist in the future if not for the actions of Cooper.. who was guided by future humans (begin endless loop).

Did anyone ever consider the other important character in the movie? Amelia Brand carried on with the rest of her mission (thanks to Cooper). I postulate that Brand used the human seeds as intended and set up a colony. A colony that would thrive and eventually evolve beyond human. Thus Earth is of little importance, and may have indeed died. These colonists, and the generations that followed, would have been told the story of a great man (Cooper) who saved them from extinction. With the ability to manipulate space-time, they would pay homage to their hero "God" by helping him in the past so he may fulfill the mission most important to him, to once again see his daughter. Plan B worked beautifully. But the 5d humans, having the power to bend space-time, decided there's no reason why Plan A had to fail.

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I like this explanation, but there's still a flaw with it... Cooper inside the tesseract gives his past self directions to NASA's secret base, but how would he have made it into the tesseract without those directions in the first place?

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