Westworld: Season 3

Shout by Ramperson
BlockedParent2022-06-13T02:18:47Z— updated 2022-07-10T00:17:55Z

I liked this better than season 2. Season 1 was a masterpiece with a novel concept that was introduced wonderfully. Second season was more of the same. This season has taken the challenge and brought the fight/story to the real world and seems to have evolved the show into something completely different.

I wish more shows did this rather than trying to remake the same season of a show again and again until audiences tire of the show (Walking Dead, Hand maid’s tale, prison break etc.).

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Mayor of Kingstown: 2x10 Little Green Ant

It was good but I feel there should have been more action/flare for the last episode. It was all building up to an explosive finale and I felt it was a bit underwhelming.

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