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La La Land

What a wonderful and magical experience that was. For someone who isn't a fan of musicals, if anything they're my least favorite genre of film, I found myself to fall in love with this film. The dance and song sequences never came off as too cheesy or forced in to have that 'musical' moment, they felt like they deserved to be there and were all just fantastic to watch.
The chemistry between Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone will most likely go down in film history, every line they delivered was done so well and I hope they both win an Oscar for their performances.
You wouldn't think a film like this would exist in 2017, but I'm glad it does. Whiplash was my favorite film of 2014 and I can safely say this is my favorite of 2016. I can't wait to see what Damien Chazelle brings to us next.

La La Land - 10/10

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When Marnie Was There

What a beautiful film, I wasn't too sure at the start, like I didn't really know where it was going and was aiming for a 6 or 7/10. But by those last 20 minutes this film blew my mind, made the entire 110 minutes worth it and can't wait to watch it a second time because of that. - 8.5/10

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A Quiet Place

What an excellent gem of a horror / thriller. It does start off a little bit slow paced, and has the characters make some seriously stupid choices throughout. But despite that this film had some great tense scenes, fantastic performances from the entire cast, especially Emily Blunt. A bit of a disappointing final scene but overall, a great and unique horror that I can't wait to watch again.

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Ip Man

Would have liked to have given this a higher rating, did find the ADR a little off putting at times though, and some of the sound design for the fight sequences were so over the top ha! But that's nit picking really, solid story and great characters, look forward to watching the second one!

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Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising

Definitely proffered the first but still a fun film that didn't drag out, the actual film length is under 90 minutes excluding credits which I can appreciate, again I felt Zac Efron made this film for me. - 7/10

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The Idea of You

Anne Hathaway, you will always be famous. A literal icon

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Saw X

John and Amanda are so bloody sassy in this film, I want to give John a big hug, bless him.

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A Star Is Born

What a wonderful, beautiful and sad story. Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were simply outstanding in this film and i can't wait to see it again! Bradley Cooper came out the gate swinging with his directorial debut and can't wait to see what he does next. The music was amazing, almost every track pretty much worked for me. One of the best of 2018 so far, easily.
- 9.2/10

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Five Nights at Freddy's

Comedy of the year to be honest

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Black Mirror: Bandersnatch

Fantastic idea, something I've not seen done before in a TV show with this kind of budget. I think the narrative was slightly lacking however, it just wasn't quite up to scratch with some of the best Black Mirror episodes. But really fun and wasn't bored at any point.

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A Silent Voice: The Movie

Had the potential to be an 8/10, but for me I think they focused way too much on the girl bully and I believe the ending could've been a little better by showing a bit more of their actual 'relationship'. That aside I loved the animation and simple yet in depth story of depression, love and friendship. Seems a bit overlooked this film and I do think it's special. 7.9/10

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Wonder Woman

Would have loved to have given this a better rating, unfortunately I found the story itself to be pretty basic and not a lot really happened when I look back on it. Luckily Tom Hardy does such an incredible job here that it makes it a watchable film, I think without him it really would have fallen flat. Can't deny that Emily Browning did a decent job too. - 7/10

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Black Mass

A decent movie yes, what's annoying however is how great it could have been. All the acting is fantastic here, especially Johnny Depp, like this is seriosuly the best I've seen him in a long time, but the movie just fails to deliver on intense and interesting scenes like a lot of mob / gangster movies do. Nothing original here really either and is pretty easy to predict where the movie is going to go. Phenominal acting, some good scenes dotted throughout, bit it's just the potential this had that botheres me more than anything, and that I could've done with more Dakota Johnson becuase hey, it's Dakota Johnson!
Black Mass - 7.1/10

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