Destination Wedding

Shout by Thiz
BlockedParent2018-09-16T02:37:30Z— updated 2018-10-07T15:09:40Z

So clearly here nobody likes, or did notice it is a black comedy, It's even on descriptions of various sites.. Critics and I think the poster itself implies that, the slogan... Bah.
I loved it. BIG surprise to find (find! She's the actress of my adolescence!) she was... Winona! Even in that big close up that she has when he's talking about symmetry of faces...
Then I finally did.
Understand why I liked it so much. That type of banter is hard to keep up without being a beat or the public.
Two neurotics taken from a unknown Woody Allen movie and put together to do their thing. Or try, and be impossible with one another.
It's a boy!

Sorry not my first language

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The Morning Show: 1x03 Chaos Is the New Cocaine

Refreshing watching Aniston playing a powerful, and also her struggle to find that power, showing weaknesses, losing her s***, hope it can be a good chance for her to leave the soft comedy behind.
Used to not like Reese, being her one of the main character in Pretty Big Lies stopped for a while to finally watch the show and see how she has some range.
I can see here a lot of her Madeline, fast talking, neurotic.. She's good here, but basically playing a journalist Madeline.
Anyways, I like the show and the chemistry with Aniston.
Hoping to watch more of Carrell

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Teen Spirit
You: 3x05 Into the Woods

I'm sort of getting bored of Joe's sudden yet again finding the one and all that will follow.
I'm more inclined now on Love. She's f*cked up, but different, impulsive. Dunno, like a grasp of new air of methodical Joe, that until now hasn't shown something new (character or psycho wise)
Found myself amused by the oops of Love, and watching Joe's dealing with it and his so called
purpose, to be a good husband. What? OK. Lol

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Louie: 2x11 Duckling

First tree seasons are excellent. But this episode goes beyond that. Manages to touch a delicate topic, with drama but just enough, it has lots of different moments, all very well done, acted and filmed. The duck final scene is perhaps the best one of the entire show.
The episode also is one of the longest and, for some, slow paced. It serves a purpose. Specially the situation and place that all happens, it creates the perfect atmosphere, for every comedic thing that that are subtle, but effective even being not so many. It ends up being touching, serious, dramatic, funny and tender. C. M. Acting is spot on.
May be worth of watch, for everyone that isn't fan of the serie, or Louie as an actor,.it is perfectly done for people who hasn't seen any episode of the series. It stands by itself. It conveys lots of sentiment and food for thought.

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Dollface: 1x05 Beauty Queen

Shout by Thiz

Love Kate, trying to get into the show quirkiness?
Seems like a dumbed down Max from 2 Broke Girls.
Her humor doesn't shine here.
Will try more episodes, even if they are just started to get repetitive, and void.
Girl drama, of 30 somethings acting like 15

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The Morning Show: 1x05 No One's Gonna Harm You, Not While I'm Around

Shout by Thiz
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-11-24T12:56:34Z— updated 2019-12-23T01:47:58Z

What the f*** is going on right now? I don't know, but it's weird and fascinating, and I'm super into it.


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Sorry. A snooze fest. Portman made it worst.

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Perfect Strangers
The Hypnosis

Shout by Thiz

Set in a small space such as the hotel where a convention takes place, the film displays with few elements a story that uses that world to account for a generalized suffocation.

A volcano of questions, which explodes: How far can you simulate the indisimulable?
What is truly authentic?
How much are we willing to hide or clarify what we are in order to belong?

Without the need for lines of line, the film offers, from the gestures of that unleashed vera and the annoyance reactions of others, pulls around the correction, appearances and demands. With the look put into silence, especially what is not said, hypnosis is an intelligent, well -acting and disturbing film.

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It wasn't what I expected, besides I though it was not an entire musical.
There were parts enjoyable, sweet not so etc. My stars go for the end. The song that Annette sings with his father was strong, and was the only time I really connected.
So hard, and so real life true to think.....

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ARA San Juan: The Submarine that Disappeared

Shout by Thiz

I finished watching the ARA San Juan documentary. For those who can see it, skipping the Netflix style, many repeated scenes of the sea, waves and a long prologue for each episode that lasts almost 30', it is typical to lengthen what could be three 1-hour episodes (tedious part, yes. It was a submarine, there is sea and waves and unnecessary and repeated mystery music to fill out a story that could have been more exhaustive, even so, what is included is enough for those who know nothing or something and want to know more) (plus a place for families to give their voice, which was not respected at all), there are all the voices and bells on each side. Even when politics is introduced, it is impossible to deny certain truths...
At the same time I feel strange writing that when much of our country today believes ANYTHING.
Beyond this side, each one is worth seeing, it is short.
#Argentine Memory!
Above all, for EVERYTHING that is happening to us TODAY
It had to be done. Nothing is worse, they say. This one is enough.

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Monsters Inside: The 24 Faces of Billy Milligan: 1x01 The Campus Rapist

Seems good, but why soooo slow!

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Devil in Ohio

Shout by Thiz

It's very well done and very informative, balanced, and to the point.
Sadly, seems there is no patience for let a story to develop, watch details,...
As cults are non existent... But they are. And the why of they are unknown for so much time, how do they work..
Is not easy to find to explain something more complex. The series does the job to let the viewer know, who may be able be vulnerable, consequences and much more..
Again for the complete information without a storyline that sadly for many is just teenager drama... May I suggest, watch a documentary (many)...

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Pope Francis: A Man of His Word
Let Them All Talk

Seems like the Pandemic, is doing more than what it does. it's taking away any idea left on TV and movies, people n more
Let's say that could be the excuse for this film, actors and director. I can find it possible.

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Another let's kill cause it gains followers.. Of a bunch that seem not to end.
This one, should, cause had nothing of the tiniest arguments the others could made as "pointing this". NADA.
Or just glorifying is the point. There you have.
OK. The villain turned hero nobody truly says what, tho some films did (these is our society, laughing or not)
Here's none. Just a wink and end. Maybe part 2?

And villain turned hero and nobody (even her and she says that a lot)
Lives happily ever after.
Maybe. Then expect yes, part 2

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Happiest Season
Almost Family: Season 1

Shout by Thiz

Interesting plot and start. By episode 10 thought it was the series end of season. Wasn't. And yet already had started to get much unrelated stuff and stretching, i decided to pass. No room for the premise anymore. Just easy soapy drama..

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You: 2x09 P.I. Joe
You: 2x01 A Fresh Start
Living with Yourself: 1x08 Nice Knowing You

Ditto. That end wil carry a different premise.Could be original, last episodes showed a shift that the end didn't carRy on. I only imagine anothet season being soapy. Soapysh weird. Show started being a dark comedy,, making you wonder what would one do. Now it lost that. Even her character was totally contradictory. For a possible outcome, al was completely normal. It had promise, maybe was created for 1 season only. Got a 2nd, time to filler and out of character change. Changes the mood of the series just that one last scene. Sadly

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Plus One

Just enough to watch if there's nothing else to. JUST. Try to hard to break the rom com genre, so they say some critics that's where it excels. Personally, just another rom com, and a boring one. Expected some witty banter, reading all the opinions etc that is the actress that shines being a movie about weddings and being single from the perspective of a man. Well, she shines as a continuous try hard, a very drunk one even when the character isn't drunk.

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Café Society

They can. I used to think exact same. I'm not that much sure about him, but slowly they are getting better.
Stewart started young I give her a pass and she was very good in Clouds of Sils Marie. Jesse. I think here was OK. For me, watchable,and don't think he will have much more, not a fan but honest opinion . But he has no range, it's clear. See here watch the other movie they are together. Huge change from Stewart. Lip bite and a lot of ticks gone here.
Still, I like her more in non romantic movies same with him, but avoid if possible. He's becoming Woody. A young Woody. Neurotic, and playing himself.

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Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath: 2x10 Lifetime of Healing
The Affair: 4x05 405

seems Cole will be the reason to keep watching. Always was , now finally a good plot . the rest... I stopped caring now.Maybe Alli will be interesting now if Cole goes strong there he

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Child's Play

all info is wrong. Movie released in 2014...for starters. and VERY POPULAR

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