



Reply by Thiz

If the Terminator and Chucky met at a BDSM club and one of them got pregnant, M3gan would be the result. As cool as the doll is, the movie itself should've been better. Watch with low expectations and you won't be disappointed.

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Indeed! I can totally see it now. What a lovechild!

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

80% was decent but they Netflixed it for their Millenial audience and the ending was so aweful that it ruined the whole movie for me. That's why I prefer HBO shows - they are for adults and don't need ridiculous, unrealistic over-acting or over-writing to keep their audience edutained till the end.

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Totally agree on 'Netflixed..' spot on

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The Party

Reply by Thiz

This film was so pretentious that the people in the cinema weren't fake laughing, they were fake chortling.

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Maybe they thought it something like Pirates of the Caribbean,... Something easy.

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz

Ok wow that was good. Like really good.

Man just a lot of fun.

So plot wise this is a movie about two people both of whom are bad people. They meet happenstance and find out they're both going to the same destination wedding. Lindsay is the former fiance of the groom (he left her) and Frank is his half-brother. They both hate the groom Keith but it barely unites them as they both just hate everything.

This plotline sounds familiar because it's basically all you need to know to watch FX's absolutely excellent You're the Worst. But this is just a movie version of that pilot. So what you really look for in this movie is not so much the plot which we all know (Boy meets girl, ... , They get together), but the chemistry and how they get together. Ryder and Reeves have EXCELLENT chemistry and the writing was top notch. Which it had to be because this movie is 90% Lindsay and Frank riffing off one another. It doesn't feel improvy or forced. But the sheer endurance of the back and forth between them is impressive. They should be together based on that alone. But Keanu plays a character that in other people's hands would feel lazy and dull. I love Bruce Willis movies but ever since I learned he has a rider that says he films his parts in like 2 days and then collects his money and they film the rest of the movie. It suddenly clicks what is wrong with his performances lately. It's that he's not performing. Reeves does the oppsite here. He takes a character that is written as lifeless and stiff and he performs that stiffness. Ryder's Lindsay on paper is pathetic. Keith broke off their engnagement like a dick but she sues him and is still coming to this Destination Wedding performatively instead of saying no and sparing herself the pain. Ryder infuses her with pain and anger and spite. Yet she's develops a hesitant but honest and open affection for Frank that keeps her interesting.

This is exactly the sort of movie I would buy just to have on tap when I need something to watch that's entertaining but not stupid.

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Agreed. Nice review, hope it helps to not letting it go, at first sight. (yep they're annoying at first. A lot. It flows.
Many left in there it seems :-(

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz

Hilarious! How can you not get it. It's hilarious! I cackled.

The whole sequence when they crept away from the wedding, the mountain lion and the sex scene, was hilarious!

Also, his character, despite his dour protestations, is INCREDIBLY SWEET. From his first word to her to that annoying noise he was making just before she opened the door.

Just very funny... I liked it a lot.

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Yes! How they start, and how they interaction flows through, gets as you said, sweet, gives also a good point of view.
It's a boy!

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz

Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves star in the satiric romantic comedy Destination Wedding. The film follows two misanthropes who are paired together at a destination wedding as they critique each other, the wedding activities, life, and love. Both Ryder and Reeves give strong performance, and prove able to carry the film; which is entirely focused on their two characters. And, the witty banter is incredibly clever and has a nice rhythm and style to it. Still, it can get a little raunchy and nihilistic – which kills the romance vibe. It’s a bit of a gimmick film and is kind of limited by the two character format, but Destination Wedding is entertaining and delivers some laughs.

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As you said, it's a satire. Isn't going to be full of jokes, easy ones, there's a lot of sarcasm, and observations hidden. I agree with most of what you expressed, don't understand the so low rating. Seems contradictory
My take. :-)

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz

It was nice to see both Winona and Keanu aging well and in display of their fine acting skills. Loved the movie, I found it hilarious !! Great ending too..

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The ending is surprisingly hilarious and with a nice message. Nice twist of of them interacting...

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz

I can't believe I'm saying this about a movie with Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves, but this is insufferable.

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Why? Weird reviews here
I don't like it. Why. Because I don't

Seems to be the style of bad "comment /review./critic.

Says nothing.
They were good on Dracula,
Here they are doing comedy, sadly is taken as rom com or just another comedy.
It's what can you expect from these two actors. Hysterical on purpose, let's say. There's a point in that bickering that's repeatedly been written here,... If maybe patience to let it flow.
(it got annoying for me at first, almost as you said insufferable.. But I kept watching, seems to be the same, not linear. That bickering gets a click. Just my take. Just wanted to know the why, of many reviews of one word. It's bad, not even watched, or.. The worst movie. Says nothing. Sorry, I don't want to be offensive... Started asking why, and ranting. My fault.

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz

incredibly pretentious script full of cynicism. I loved it. its a great black comedy about the possibility of hope.

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Agreed. Added to the protagonists chemistry, and improv dialogue,
Witty and dry, snarky, sarcastic humor. Loved the neurosis full on smoothly changing.
Some parts reminded me of some W. Allen films, but darker, yet neurotic absurd and cynically fun.

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Destination Wedding

Reply by Thiz


Shout by tvJackson
BlockedParent2020-12-21T02:44:52Z— updated 2021-01-23T18:58:18Z

It's two people bickering. No I didnt watch the whole movie. I couldn't take it that long.

Winona says JD powers gives out awards, and Kenu responds no that's the magazine. I was just so confused. JD powers does give out awards, so I didn't understand why Kenu mentioned a magazine at all! It seemed like the bickering wasn't even trying to be factual. He was just trying to disagree no matter what was said.

They weren't having a real conversation. From what they were saying, I wondered why they would keep talking, and if the whole movie was like this.... then I turned it off.

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Couldn't take it, or couldn't understand it?
Apologies, it's a true question, got me curious as to why rated low, didn't saw it entirely, it's about two people bickering, but that bickering isn't understood.
If I don't get what you wanted to express, please, sorry. (And my written English sucks, I know, it doesn't helps )
Puzzled with reviews /comments about films that get low rating based on not watching it entirely, (my thing, even if i don't like it but already 20'/30' I keep watching, even those that I don't understand or don't like it. Many times found that waiting paid off or try to understand is also a challenge, finding movies that I considered bad at first, did end up differently. (Same as seeing a movie for second time after a long time,.. N one gets a better take on it)
It's a pity that many get bad rating (and many people guide themselves with them, yes) when they haven't seen it even half. Not understanding does not mean isn't good or bad, I personally think one can say it's good /bad based on making an effort. Some movies are a complex, or have a different kind of humor (of many) some seem complex, but you get to understand the difference of not your cup of tea, a mediocre, or a mess. Or giving it a chance, a nice surprise.
Eh, got over myself. End..... Hiding..

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Night Hunter

Reply by Thiz

The acting performances of Brendan Fletcher and Eliana Jones is what I will remember from this movie. Daddario does one of her worst performances so far and I'm not sure if Cavill still knows that he was in this movie, looked like he just got out of bed throughout the entire thing and just read stuff from a sign.

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@psonnosp > "I'm not sure if Cavill still knows that he was in this movie"

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Spring Breakers

Ever see a movie and you suddenly realize your IQ is dropping? That's this movie. I seriously cannot believe this movie got made, or that anyone in charge of the budget signed off on it. It's horribly dull, just scene after scene of people dancing and partying. These four "ladies" go on "spraang braaaake" and bad stuff happens. I kept waiting for the point, but really, the movie has nothing to say other than "look at these ladies in their bikinis." I guess the "moral" is that you shouldn't do bad things or bad things might happen to you? Maybe?

My least favorite part was the constant repetition of lines. I feel like the "writers" couldn't come up with good dialogue, so when they found something they liked, they repeated it. At one point, the girls get arrested, and they keep saying "it wasn't supposed to be like this" over and over. I'm not kidding, I think they said it six or seven times. The film is visually stunning, if I'm being positive. They spent a LOT of money on neon lights and fake guns...and swimsuits. SO MANY swimsuits, and so many closeups of women in swimsuits. I kinda feel like the director graduated from "Girls Gone Wild" to artsy films, but this need more plot, character arcs, and less of James Franco's teeth. If you want to hear people say "spraang braaaake forevvvvvahhh" many MANY times, go for it.

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I agree 100% with you. Loved the way you stated, about feeling my IQ dropping. Made me laugh out loud, but so true.
I'm amazed it was made. And, mostly that I watched it entirely.
Well, was kind of half watching halfway, while not paying full attention.
Surprised this got into my watch list, I added it after seeing it recommended with good reviews HERE and Letterboxd.
Guess I just didn't, or failed to get the goodness of the movie that sites, critics and etc, viewed and was considered a "must"
For me, a must forget I saw it. Kinda already did

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Café Society

Reply by Thiz

Shout by Deleted

why people still think Jesse or Kristen can act is beyond me.

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People. Woody in this case. And they are together just because both act as neurotic as most leads in light Woody comedies.

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Café Society

Reply by Thiz

Shout by Deleted

why people still think Jesse or Kristen can act is beyond me.

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They can. I used to think exact same. I'm not that much sure about him, but slowly they are getting better.

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Shout by Saint Pauly
BlockedParent2018-09-12T21:01:09Z— updated 2018-10-11T21:16:58Z

Like most PG-13 offerings, Searching is just emmental: full of holes, cheesy and too much will make you queasy. And it's not really gouda.

The movie's not a total waste, however. The found footage aspect (the film is entirely presented through screen activity on mobile phones, laptops, desktops...) is well done and the actors often hit their marks.

The film's major drawbacks, however, are the ending, which we know as soon as we see the film's MPAA rating (no matter how clever they think they are at trying to convince us otherwise) and the WTFs, like the police don't check a missing teen's text messages and no one has ever heard of catfishing .

Hey, if the film isn't going to give me any credit, I'm certainly not above doing the same.

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Try to use spoiler alert. By the way, I see your reviews often. Is there any movie you have liked? Or just "review" the ones you don't Only?
No trolling, just curious. And please, again, there's a spoiler warning, use it? Cheers

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