

California, USA

DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x06 Deus Ex Latrina

Oddly amusing when the episode's title makes no sense at all until the very last minute of the episode.

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The Flash: 7x13 Masquerade

If nothing else, I did kinda like that Cecile Horton's mind-memory prison when being taken over by the mask was conceptually similar to Khalil Payne's when taken over by Painkiller.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x02 Meat: The Legends

So Behrad thinks he's a wizardly fry-cook on the level of such greats as Spongebob Squarepants and Odd Thomas? Hah. Likely story. ;-)

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Titans: 2x01 Trigon
Cowboy Bebop: 1x23 Brain Scratch

Oh, Ein, you data dog.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x12 Speak Like a Child

Ed must be the happiest random-wacky generator ever.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 2x01 Of the Blood

I feel a bit like both major OMG-hangers from the Season One finale were effectively wrapped up a bit too quickly and simply, but were still fun to watch (especially all of Tally's reactions), and I'm now very curious to see how all these interesting pieces will weave and meet and evolve...

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x08 Sad Clown A-Go-Go

Interesting mix. Some strong story-parallels to the original (both with Vicious and with Pierrot le Fou), with some differences that mostly worked well. (Except maybe for that one-hires-the-other thing; not sure that makes sense given who's involved. And I'm not sure that the reasoning for Pierrot le Fou's emotional crumble at the end was as clear as it was in the original.) Crazy, messy, mostly fun stuff.

But those gorram jerks abandoned Ein all alone on that dock. Not okay, guys. Not okay.

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The Blacklist: 8x03 16 Ounces

I'm having increasing difficulty with Liz's apparent loss of thinking skills. I get that she's angry as hell as Redd, but what led her to believe that a one-pound semtex bomb was an appropriately surgical tool with which to take out Redd and only Redd in a hospital, regardless of how you think you've timed the placement? How does the very idea not scream out collateral damage?

At least Aram's afterward reaction seemed deeply appropriate. Everyone else... and especially Donald...

I feel a little like, alongside Dembe, shaking my head at it all...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x01 The Bullet Blondes

So I liked pretty much every bit with Gloria, Esperanza, and Astra, and the thing with the pocket-mansion, but most of the rest was like watching gradeschoolers throw around goofy story ideas. I hope there's a better story-plan this is feeding into...

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The Flash: 7x18 Heart of the Matter (2)

That they can each mold their lightning power into the creation of a big lightning-sword? Okay, weird, but kinda cool.
That that somehow suddenly makes them all swordsmanship experts? WTF? No.

This episode was the usual-of-late The Flash mix of fairly well-executed moments and really poorly-executed moments, but that one... what the... I just... Sigh.

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Batwoman: 3x07 Pick Your Poison

Again, some good stuff and some seriously lazy-writing bits.

Such as: That's not how CEO transitions work at all; like an "acting CEO" (which made no sense here to begin with) would have the authority to sign her job over to someone else without the approval of the company's board (which was threatening to fire her a few episodes ago) like that. But if it makes a story advancement easier for lazy writers...

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Supergirl: 6x20 Kara

While it was nice seeing everyone return to help save the day, it would have been so much nicer if those appearances had been given real substance and felt less like shallow tokens.

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Stargirl: 2x02 Summer School: Chapter Two

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2021-08-24T03:42:31Z— updated 2021-08-28T21:02:46Z

I don't know. I'm kind of all over the place on this one.

7 (good) bits: End scene with Cindy and Bobbie and Eclipso, maybe the bits with Richard and Pat, and maybe Rick's DoorDashing.
6 (fair) bits: Most parts with Jenny.
5 (meh) bits: Most parts with Courtney.
4 (poor) bits: Huge green flares (and a new crater) in the park in the middle of town and no one notices.


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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x04 Bay of Squids

I know I've said before that this show can be at its best when it goes all-in timey-wimey wacko, but this wasn't it. This was far more farcical than anything else—from candied Fidel to pointless football—and so much of it just made no sense whatsoever, including Eva handing the Waverider and mission over solely to Mick (while the rest of the crew will now do... what?). There were some fun and funny moments, but not enough of them to make up for the Bay of Farce that was the rest.

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Supergirl: 6x19 The Last Gauntlet

So much of this episode (including that panoramic battle sequence) had so much potential to build and be the climactic sendoff of the series. However, so much careless lazy clumsiness in the design of its details wasted so much of that potential that the result... Sigh.

I think the only part that I actually liked was Esme grabbing the All Stone and throwing it down to break it in three. Besides that Esme may have been the best acted in this episode (and the moments featuring her generally being the better ones), that one move reflected some of how I felt about most of the episode as a whole.

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Supergirl: 6x02 A Few Good Women
Doom Patrol: 1x15 Ezekiel Patrol

Well, I suppose if Mr. Nobody was going to bolster his post-revenge-high mood-crash by getting stoned on blue Curaçao and then stumble-magic his drunken way into a doomed corner (on Danny Street in a psychoactive paintingspace with... them) and then, at his desolate lowest, get pep-talk coached into wresting back enough narrative control to guide everyone else out while forgetting to account for himself...

As I now think back over the many weirdly assorted elements of this episode, they do fit together into a chaotically odd but functional collage. And, think about it: if the seriously wacky-weird world that is Doom Patrol is going to escalate all the layers of wacky it's built thus far into an appropriately wacky and intense climax (too soon?), that does sound about right, doesn't it?

OTOH, as the credits were first rolling, I did have a minute or so of "what in Beebo's name did I just watch?!" going on there.

The improbability drive was working overtime with this one.

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