

California, USA

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x15 Senate Murders

Reply by Thogek

Space opera meets murder mystery? Sounds like a weird mix...but it works!

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It ain't Asimov's Robot novels (The Caves of Steel, etc.), but it kinda works. ;-)

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Superman & Lois: 1x03 The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower

Reply by Thogek

I thought the fighting was pretty good. He sure does take a kicking though. Who the hell was that guy?

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According to IMDB, the big guy appears to have been "Subjekt 11".

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Supergirl: 6x01 Rebirth

Reply by Thogek

What even was Alex’s makeup artist thinking.

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It's additionally weird how dismally distracting that is. Her new outfit looks pretty cool otherwise, but... what the... uhh... no.

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Supergirl: 6x01 Rebirth

Reply by Thogek

A part of me REALLY hopes there's a Bloopers/ Extra for the DVD scene where Lex is singing "Try a Little Tenderess," by Otis Redding...

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LOL. My wife said something very much like this while we were watching this scene.

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The Flash: 7x06 The One With The Nineties

Reply by Thogek

A flash episode with no flash? No thanks.

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They are the Flash. :rolling_eyes:

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x03 The Ex-Factor

Reply by Thogek

So sad to see a quarantine episode, like an event that is supposed to be widely popular, but there are only 15 people in front of the building (with counting security) and the audience is just a big zoom call. This was also the first time I felt Zari to be too heavy for the show, like I know she's a fan favourite, I like her too, but she was a bit forced. I wouldn't mind a Nate centric episode, that guy is stuck in full supporting role for quite sometime now.

When Mick realized he and Sara are the only ones left from the original crew.. I know Dominic Purcell is leaving by next season, but separating Sara away from the team also starting to feel like they are experimenting how the rest of the team does without her... which worked well for the previous 2 episodes, but this one was a bit meh.

Also: I'm not sure if the little alien was an easter egg or not, but it definitely looked like a mixture of baby Yoda and BEEBO.

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It was a little weird how sorta quarantinish the audience involvement was, that apparently being more a 2045 thing than a quarantine thing. (Unless the aliens have released COVID-45...)

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The Flash: 7x04 Central City Strong

Reply by Thogek

It seems that giant fella could have easily killed Barry, why did it not do that?

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I'm not sure, but he (it?) looked as though he were in some kind of pain before he jumped to off to vanish into the night horizon. And maybe also before that right before he dropped Barry.

Honestly, what might be going on with that guy was a lot more interesting than was most of the Kadabra story.

While the show's writers (and direction?) have been frustratingly sloppy with a lot of details lately, I'm sure we'll see the big damaging guy back again sooner or later.

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