

California, USA

Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x16 The Lawless

Definitely got the impression that Sidious was very much enjoying this (then quite rare) opportunity to flex.

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Motherland: Fort Salem: 2x01 Of the Blood

I feel a bit like both major OMG-hangers from the Season One finale were effectively wrapped up a bit too quickly and simply, but were still fun to watch (especially all of Tally's reactions), and I'm now very curious to see how all these interesting pieces will weave and meet and evolve...

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Batwoman: 2x18 Power

I imagine it'd be awfully hard to sneak around dark alleys and rooftops with that bright blue-white bat-beacon on the chest, but otherwise, nice Batwing suit, there.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x07 Back to the Finale: Part II

As fun as all of that was, who else thinks that not hovering a while to search for Kayla (before blasting away into space) is going to come back and bite them later?

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The Blacklist: 8x21 Nachalo

Interesting if odd way to tell Liz the story of how it all started. (The nachalo. The beginning.)

While it made for a rather interesting reveal presentation, I'm also kinda stuck on wondering what actually happened in that nest; was this whole experience an internal dramatization of her immersive reading, or an actual info-beam into her head, or...

Maybe she was holding the Resurrection Stone the whole time?

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x05 Tipping Points

Best line:
"Oh, look at the time!" —Hondo Ohnaka

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x04 Bay of Squids

I know I've said before that this show can be at its best when it goes all-in timey-wimey wacko, but this wasn't it. This was far more farcical than anything else—from candied Fidel to pointless football—and so much of it just made no sense whatsoever, including Eva handing the Waverider and mission over solely to Mick (while the rest of the crew will now do... what?). There were some fun and funny moments, but not enough of them to make up for the Bay of Farce that was the rest.

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Batwoman: 2x14 And Justice For All

Ryan: "Ok. So how do we dose that many people all at once?"

Luke: "You have to inject each person one at a time."

Ryan: "But that means…"

Me: "It's time to call Barry."

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Batwoman: 2x14 And Justice For All

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2021-05-19T03:39:33Z— updated 2021-05-20T05:35:40Z

"Nah. I got this."

Oh, crap.

What could go wrong?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x02 Meat: The Legends

Nice seeing that brief cameo-moment of original-timeline Zari. I hope we get to see more of she who was the center of one of the best time-loop episodes ever.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x02 Meat: The Legends

So Behrad thinks he's a wizardly fry-cook on the level of such greats as Spongebob Squarepants and Odd Thomas? Hah. Likely story. ;-)

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The Blacklist: 8x13 Anne

Hearing Detective Eames— er, Officer Lois say that most New Yorkers are "narcissists" was a fun little in-joke.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x22 Lethal Trackdown

I do have to wonder, watching this, how much of Boba's drive to avenge his father comes from within vs. being stoked by old-friend-of-Jango Aurra Sing. Probably a mix of both, but it might say something about the influences of elders/mentors on the youngers' choices, such as Aurra Sing on Boba, Plo Koon (and Tera Sinube and Luminara Unduli and...) on Ahsoka, etc.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x22 Lethal Trackdown

Funny moment when they said they were heading to Florrum: my wife, just passing through the room at that moment, heard it as going to "Florin", stopped and said "incontheivable!"

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The Blacklist: 8x03 16 Ounces

I'm having increasing difficulty with Liz's apparent loss of thinking skills. I get that she's angry as hell as Redd, but what led her to believe that a one-pound semtex bomb was an appropriately surgical tool with which to take out Redd and only Redd in a hospital, regardless of how you think you've timed the placement? How does the very idea not scream out collateral damage?

At least Aram's afterward reaction seemed deeply appropriate. Everyone else... and especially Donald...

I feel a little like, alongside Dembe, shaking my head at it all...

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