

Phoenix, AZ

Wayward Pines
Arrow: 4x16 Broken Hearts

Spoilers Ahead: One of the best/worst episodes for Arrow. This is finally the moment fans have been waiting for. All the waiting for them to get together, all the obstacles they've overcome individually and together. The whole show waiting for that moment that will change everything, to realize that it deserves, he deserves one more chance. Even at the wedding, the vows Oliver describes their relationship and when Felicity confronts Cupid, A true testament to Love and the power there in, only to wind down to the end and the finality of Felicity's decision and how she can't be around and that it's not fair to either one of them. It was very sad to see this ending without some better resolution. I just keep telling myself that there is more shows ahead and that anything could happen. I just really wanted to see them together and happy.

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The Messengers

Yes, it's true, this show has been cancelled {as per tvhell.net}. i really liked this one. As for the naysayers, at least this one was a creative idea with a lot of diversity.

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