

Minneapolis, Minnesota


Very much enjoyed this, and I was surprised at how well Armisen played Fester. I'm not an Armisen fan very much, but damn did he rock in his portrayal of Fester. Arguably better than Lloyd in channeling Coogan, if that's what either of them were going for. The main thing that still troubles me, though, is the idea of outcasts. I get that this is a different Addamsverse, but in either the series or the movies, the Addams Family never thought of themselves as outcasts, or that they in any way needed a safe space for monsters. They barely even thought of themselves as "non-traditional". The other thing that I'm still working to get past, and I feel I have to chalk it up to the youthfulness of the character, is Wednesday consistently falling for red herrings and getting focused on finding facts to support her jumping to conclusion after conclusion.

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